USA's prison system surpasses Soviet Gulags


Germany would never allow 19 million migrants to cross her boarders and just blend in,...Don`t kid yourself.

There are people in prison only because they were not killed for their crimes, which would be a better justice depending on the crime. You cannot fix the last guy to shoot up a theater full of people because he chose to do so, you kill them and be over it. At least you can pray for them. Animals are more complacent than people are. They are also more vicious and ruthless. After more than half a century,...I can draw my own conclusions.

We have more than 300 million people in America, those prison numbers fool you.

I don't mean per capita. I mean we literally have 1/4 of all prisoners in the world, in our prisons in America.


And yes, we can move to Germany if we want to. It's not difficult. Their numbers are much lower since as you said, their borders aren't flooded. Common sense much?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Germany would never allow 19 million migrants to cross her boarders and just blend in,...Don`t kid yourself.

There are people in prison only because they were not killed for their crimes, which would be a better justice depending on the crime. You cannot fix the last guy to shoot up a theater full of people because he chose to do so, you kill them and be over it. At least you can pray for them. Animals are more complacent than people are. They are also more vicious and ruthless. After more than half a century,...I can draw my own conclusions.

We have more than 300 million people in America, those prison numbers fool you.



Do you even know what you are talking about oddball? Tell me, how many people go to jail or catch a felony aND have successful lives after jail? Jail creates criminals. You get out, can't get work cuz ur a felon for having 2 x pills. .. hAve a kid to feed. .. no money. .. what you going to do? You are going to do anything it takes to not see ur family starve cuz that's human nature.


The only people that belong in jail are violent criminals. Too many people get popped for dumb crap and jail changes you. It changes you deeply, you have to be hard. It makes non violent criminals violent.

Anyone remember the story about how a boy went to try to get mental health treatment, was turned away due to lack of beds and went home and stabbed his father. So who's to blame for that?


The only people that belong in jail are violent criminals. Too many people get popped for dumb crap and jail changes you. It changes you deeply, you have to be hard. It makes non violent criminals violent.

Anyone remember the story about how a boy went to try to get mental health treatment, was turned away due to lack of beds and went home and stabbed his father. So who's to blame for that?

Oir jails are filled to the brim with people who have mental illness. I have mental illness and I'm lucky enough to have decent insurance and was able to get the help I needed. But if I hadn't, like soooo many people, I'd be dead right now. We have to help these ppl... before crimes are committed. And the way to do that is to not turn anyone away. To put money into treatment centers and not our damn military.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you even know what you are talking about oddball? Tell me, how many people go to jail or catch a felony aND have successful lives after jail? Jail creates criminals. You get out, can't get work cuz ur a felon for having 2 x pills. .. hAve a kid to feed. .. no money. .. what you going to do? You are going to do anything it takes to not see ur family starve cuz that's human nature.

Jail is a symptom. The disease is the system which allows peaceful people to be made into criminals for simply trying to run their own lives.

I agree with you that once people are caught up in the legal trap, life gets harder for them. It would be better for a real criminal, that committed an actual crime to restitute the people they victimized. If there is no victim, then there isn't really an actual crime.

Good people disobey bad laws.


Jail is a symptom. The disease is the system which allows peaceful people to be made into criminals for simply trying to run their own lives.

I agree with you that once people are caught up in the legal trap, life gets harder for them. It would be better for a real criminal, that committed an actual crime to restitute the people they victimized. If there is no victim, then there isn't really an actual crime.

Good people disobey bad laws.

I think we are on the same wave length.


Well-Known Member
Do you even know what you are talking about oddball? Tell me, how many people go to jail or catch a felony aND have successful lives after jail? Jail creates criminals. You get out, can't get work cuz ur a felon for having 2 x pills. .. hAve a kid to feed. .. no money. .. what you going to do? You are going to do anything it takes to not see ur family starve cuz that's human nature.

I`ve been in and out.

Let`s see,...aND,..hAve,...ur,, thank you....!!


That would be because we have that many laws broken by that many people.
Noo you nutter, that's what an idiot would say. Lol. Come on. Don't be lame. Use the brain or it turns to mush.

Uhm no That's not why. The reason why, we do not support our ppl. We put ppl in jail for pot. And then they are beat up in jail until they either start sucking penis or join up. Once you join up ur more safe, but it changes you. How much time have you spent in jail cuz you don't seem to know anything about it


Well-Known Member
Do you even know what you are talking about oddball? Tell me, how many people go to jail or catch a felony aND have successful lives after jail? Jail creates criminals. You get out, can't get work cuz ur a felon for having 2 x pills. .. hAve a kid to feed. .. no money. .. what you going to do? You are going to do anything it takes to not see ur family starve cuz that's human nature.

I will, as soon as people that break laws and kill people deserve for their actions. So you know,....that`s why they call it punishment.


Jail is hell on earth. Anything goes. The guards beat ur ass just as often, ppl steal ur food, no one cares. Ppl die in American jails every day for how little ppl care. I'm a human being with empathy and compassion. Jail is not a place for people. It's for animals.


Well-Known Member
Noo you nutter, that's what an idiot would say. Lol. Come on. Don't be lame. Use the brain or it turns to mush.

Uhm no That's not why. The reason why, we do not support our ppl. We put ppl in jail for pot. And then they are beat up in jail until they either start sucking penis or join up. Once you join up ur more safe, but it changes you. How much time have you spent in jail cuz you don't seem to know anything about it

So if the law says don`t,...than don`t.


Well-Known Member
Jail is hell on earth. Anything goes. The guards beat ur ass just as often, ppl steal ur food, no one cares. Ppl die in American jails every day for how little ppl care. I'm a human being with empathy and compassion. Jail is not a place for people. It's for animals.

So the advise is to not go.


I'm not giving you advice because you do not retain knowledge oddball. You cannot even spell or use proper grammar. My advice, let the adults talk. Please go sit at the children's table dear.