US Military Kill Over a Dozen Innocent Civilians


Active Member
What people don't understand is the situation over there, they are not just impoverished people, they have a completely different mindset then americans, and not its not just a small minority, its the whole populations of cities, who will turn against the soldiers, and you know who they put in front of their mobs of militia men "innocent" women and children, when they get close often throwing IEDs at the soldiers, Civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan are immune to death almost, it is an every day occurrence having bodies laying in the road is normal there. There is very few times that I wouldn't back up any armed forces personnel, their job is hell, they live on almost a whole different world then we live back here. I am a proud citizen of the United States and I am even more proud of every single man or women who served for this country over seas, because they experience things we can barely conceive.


Well-Known Member
Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six! Soldiers aren't trained like cops and shit happens. If you don't want civilians casualties don't do anything that would cause us to be in your neck of the world. As a soldier we can't choose who to go to war with and if your in the wrong place at the wrong time my condolences to your family. The news stories that you will never hear are the green on green conflicts between afghans that kill far more civillians which I've personally witnessed. Things like combatants firing dishkas into school houses and mines placed on paths where school children travel back and forth to school. So please spare me and the rest of the world from your ignorant rhetoric.


Well-Known Member
LOL... you are so incorrect on this thread there 3610.

First off, they didn't kill innocent civilians.

Everyone who thought that pretty much stuck their foot in their mouth after that marine "apologized" and everyone LEARNED they were indeed armed gunmen:

“Personally I believe the first attack was appropriate,” says McCord, referring to the attack on the group of men.

“They did have weapons there. However, I don’t feel that the attack on the van was necessary ... the Apaches [helicopters] decided to completely obliterate everybody in the van.”
Secondly... if you're in a warzone, driving along with your kids in the van... do you REEEEEALLY think it's a good idea to stop and help someone that is crawling around in blood?

NO, of course not... and the US military GIVES the civilians these warnings.

So... in all, Apache saw men with weapons (which they had) saw them aiming a weapon at them (looked like an launcher to me) and successfully eliminated the targets. Father and kids arrive with Darwin himself sitting in the right seat and proceed to get blown to bits because, as anyone with half a brain would compute... there's a NICE LOOKING VAN (not too many NICE cars in Iraq, and that van looked shiny and new, like it was funded with terrorist money) stopping to help pick up the armed men you just shot, they must be part of the group as well.

So, right on to the crew of the Apache, a few less towelheads to blow up REAL innocent civilians.


My favorite... allahu akbar this biatch!



alright, I am not wrong, they are NOT holding weapons!. Well this is just my story or opinion on the following talked about above. And also about the van, yeah, what a nice man to help out those people! he obviously doesn't give a shit about terrorists or he wouldn't be driving with the kids, he tried helping them and was killed.. also who gives a fuck what kind of car someone is driving, if it's nice, or if it's a piece of shit.. you can't stereotype someone on the car they drive or what condition it's it. secondly they harmed two kids, almost killed them and it's fine? even though they killed over 12 people it's still fine? prove to me that they were holding guns. And frankly, I don't give a fuck what the god damn soldier says, he killed over 12 PEOPLE YOU CAN'T JUST APOLOGIZE LIKE THAT!...


Well-Known Member
alright, I am not wrong, they are NOT holding weapons!. Well this is just my story or opinion on the following talked about above. And also about the van, who gives a fuck what kind of car someone is driving, if it's nice, or if it's a piece of shit.. you can't stereotype someone on the car they drive or what condition it's it. secondly they harmed two kids, almost killed them and it's fine? even though they killed over 12 people it's still fine? prove to me that they were holding guns. And frankly, I don't give a fuck what the god damn soldier says, he killed over 12 PEOPLE YOU CAN'T JUST APOLOGIZE LIKE THAT!...
You are way too ignorant to even argue with... that soldier didn't shoot crap, he was the one that CARRIED one of those little boys to the hospital.

Prove to you they were holding guns? LOOK AT THE VIDEO... I see guns, are you blind? Do you know what a shouldered SMG even looks like on a person?

Facts: They had weapons, it's a warzone, dad was an idiot by stopping to help victims of a shooting in a warzone with his kids, if you aid any suspected terrorists, you yourself put your life on the line, and this guy did just that.

And yes, it's FINE to shoot and kill gunmen in a warzone, be it 12 or 3000.


Well-Known Member
alright, I am not wrong, they are NOT holding weapons!. Well this is just my story or opinion on the following talked about above. And also about the van, yeah, what a nice man to help out those people! he obviously doesn't give a shit about terrorists or he wouldn't be driving with the kids, he tried helping them and was killed.. also who gives a fuck what kind of car someone is driving, if it's nice, or if it's a piece of shit.. you can't stereotype someone on the car they drive or what condition it's it. secondly they harmed two kids, almost killed them and it's fine? even though they killed over 12 people it's still fine? prove to me that they were holding guns. And frankly, I don't give a fuck what the god damn soldier says, he killed over 12 PEOPLE YOU CAN'T JUST APOLOGIZE LIKE THAT!...

No, you are wrong. You are framing your argument and including several logical fallacies, so that means your opinion is worth the equivalent of what I flush down the toilet every morning. If I could minus rep you I would.


Well-Known Member
No, you are wrong. You are framing your argument and including several logical fallacies, so that means your opinion is worth the equivalent of what I flush down the toilet every morning. If I could minus rep you I would.
A quote would help tell who you're talking to, lol... but I'm guessing since I never said I was right, that you must be talking to 3610 bongsmilie


I apologize for being wrong, you were right and I need to get my facts straightened out. Sorry about this all.


Well-Known Member
LOL it's no problem man, we all learn stuff we didn't know or thought about otherwise.

I love debating, as many on this forum can tell you.

Mostly stickin' up for the GOOD popo's out there and of course, the GOOD men and women serving our country.