Urine analysis question


Well-Known Member
I haven't smoked in months due to leaving the state for work. Now that im back home I'd like to enjoy my 2012 harvest since I haven't got to. So my question is if I can pass a urine analysis today if I were to indulge in the fruits of my labor could I pass another analysis later that week? If not how long would thc take to leave my body? I've heard from others that my body would indeed test cleaner sooner then 30 days. Thanks ahead for any input.

Aww man I hate getting piss tests, I was on probation for 2 years and I was still smoking though, here's how;

Keep in mind this is only if you REALLY want to smoke, because if you get caught, there could be problems..But if you do it right, you won't get caught.

So there's this awesome product called a whizzinator that you can purchase offline, and it even has the option to quick-ship. It's basically a fake penis that straps onto you, with a pouch for urine or synthetic urine.
You fill it up, put some hand warmers behind the pouch, and there's a temperature gauge on the pouch. The number that has a green box around it is the current temp. You want it at around 95-99. The warmers will keep it hot enough for your probation visit (unless you have to wait hours, in which case this won't even work at all, also it's really hard to do this if you have random tests.)

It comes in all different skin tones, make sure you get the right one if you are being watched close up like I was. Fill it up, heat it up, and you're ready to go. Doesn't take much and it worked for me.

As for your question, unless you're a very active guy exercising every single day it will most likely take more than a week. Also it depends on body weight and size, if you're a big guy it's going to take much longer to get out of your system than a smaller guy.

Probation tells you 30 days because that's about the maximum amount of time it takes to leave the body, so no it might not be thirty days..But you're running a huge risk of getting popped if you give yourself only a week without taking necessary precautions.

Do what you feel is best for you but be very careful, because P.Os aren't forgiving.(That's if you are even on probation.)


I haven't smoked in months due to leaving the state for work. Now that im back home I'd like to enjoy my 2012 harvest since I haven't got to. So my question is if I can pass a urine analysis today if I were to indulge in the fruits of my labor could I pass another analysis later that week? If not how long would thc take to leave my body? I've heard from others that my body would indeed test cleaner sooner then 30 days. Thanks ahead for any input.

smoketheregs mentioned it but, synthetic urine worked for us. We've both used it for job drug tests. No problems just takes some guts. IDK but i think unless its for probation, you're not breaking and laws by using fake pee.