URGENT: FF Big Bloom is now choclate milk


Active Member
went to go fert my veggies with the 2nd wk dosage of FF and it calls for 2tbl of big bloom and when i mixed it w/water (havnt used it since the last dose of veg thats in flowering) it was like choclate milk.....thiker and brown.....like cholacate milk....i did shake it this time.. is that why?....its usually clear/cloudy when i dont tho..is it just spoil?..never came across this??? kinda confused???


Active Member
thanks...sound like a dumbass but i guess thats what the first grow is all about....funny thing is the plants are going into 8wks of flowering and they look good as hell....seroiusly 1st time and impressed my teachers....but the thing is i used the FF treatment (GB,BB,TB) and never shook any of em before adding to water....sucks...just imagine what it coulda been....now i know....-1st timer-...ps- thanks