Urgent Diagnose Needed.. What am I doing wrong?


I have curving leaves and some deflects on them... I am at panic please tell me what is wrong with my kids? Is it the Tobacco Mosaic Virus, or simply heat stress or what?

Thank you.




info about the plants:

3 Plants

I am growing in a cabinet, indoor, in a small room with a small window.

I have two fans. one powerful exhaust and a small fan ventilating fresh air in.

My watering schedule is once in every 3-4 days..

The PH is 6.5 and the heat is around 21-25 Celcius Degrees. The humidity: around 45-50

I had planted my seeds about a month ago. And now in the "Vegetation Stage" and waiting for a couple of more weeks before going on to 12/12 flowering..


the real G

try raising the day temp to nearer 28 also wot is your night temp and do u have a fan cerculating fan in the room that might help to! G


Well-Known Member
try raising the day temp to nearer 28 also wot is your night temp and do u have a fan cerculating fan in the room that might help to! G
His temperature range is spot on. He doesn't need to bring it up to 28c, however that temp wouldn't hurt his plants either.

I think the plants look great. It's an odd looking strain, kind of like lettuce leaves right now. The new growth looks healthy, I don't see any serious leaf damage.

What strain are you growing? The node spacing looks awful tight. What type of lighting? What type of nutes?

You cite a ph of 6.5, how are you getting that measurement?
I have an analog PH-meter it says 6.5 however i checked out today and i think the Nitrogen based vegetation nutrition is a bit acidic because now it was 6.3. so i had just put some "PH Up" but couldnot put much because i was afraid of overwatering. However now its around 6.5 again. I hope I will balance it up to 7 in a few days.

My seeds are from a friend. I am embarrassed to forget their names however i can say that they were all quality seeds from a good bank. (smoked them before)

The lighting is 8 Light Bulbs (i am using white wiselite 70Watss each for vegetation, will then place yellow daylight ones for the flowering)

For the nutrition I had used a root solution for just once a week ago.

Now I had used first 4 days ago and once today a "N" based vegetation solution by BioBizz

So you think that nothing is abnormal? I am surprised to hear that.. and relieved I must say..

Thank you for your urgent reply..



Well-Known Member
have u checked ur soil for salt content? might be a bit high, seems as u have fringes on the leaf, which could be caused by a build up.


Active Member
Did you spray with some type of insecticide/fungicide? They look fine to me. One of my plants did that after giving it a Neem oil dip - looked like a total mutant. It squared itself away though after a month.
no I have not used any kind of spray yet... not for fungous nor for insects... hope it gets well soon... this is my first time and i am very excited..

Did you spray with some type of insecticide/fungicide? They look fine to me. One of my plants did that after giving it a Neem oil dip - looked like a total mutant. It squared itself away though after a month.


Well-Known Member
Don't fuck with them, they look good. Maybe a tat of a ph issue but certainly not bad enough to do a lot of weird shit to the plants ;) Mine sometimes get that look when I water them a bit too much and my nighttime temps are relatively low.
Good luck!