Urgent advise needed


I have germinated my seed and want to transfer it to rockwool cubes now after that's done
do I pop them under a light to sprout or in the dark..
Cheers everyone

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Any rooted plant can't be kept in a humidity dome/bin without positive air exchange.

Bins are of no use to people that live in places where it rains and/or foggy all the time. Bins are good for people that live in a dry climate. In certain parts of the World not all MJ plants started as seedlings. MJ is designed to send out lower branch runners which actually take root and become a plant of their own. Some hedges can in fact be a single plant.

I do the paper towel thing in the bin but It gets checked daily and any sprouts come out. This is where a nail comes in handy. I like the spiral spikes because they are diamond cut tips and the cut edge is sharp like a razor, Make a hole in the rockwool big enough to drop the sprout into, shell up.. Just gently squeeze the hole around the sprout. Keep in mind that the head of the sprout can't break through uncut rockwool. You can put it back in the bin until it pops its head up...if you want or water it as required outside the bin. I use a trough, 3 inches wide x rockwool depth to do young rooted plants that can no longer be kept in the bin or directly into the budding table. I prefer to crack the seed shell off myself but unless you're sure of what you're doing, helping a seedling out of its shell can be risky business, but to me, it's a pleasure to help. In the trough, they get a 5" x 5" piece of reflective plastic with a slit to the middle and a small hole in the middle to accommodate the stalk This piece of reflective plastic not only helps protect the roots from the light, but also helps retain moisture. Anything that's in the trough gets hand fed using the pump up sprayer and spent res water. I like to get them in the table as soon as the seed sack comes off but that's not always possible. The worn out lava rock pellets and the worn out hydroton is great for the trough. It will drop right in nicely because of the small size. The Moms are all in one 1" W x 7" D x 6" L, drain to waste spent res water, timer and drip valve fed, actual crushed gravel 1" deep, then crushed lava rock and startin at about half way up, clay grow balls mixing in with the crushed lava rock with the last inch or so at the top, nothing but clay gravel and of course they get reflective plastic protect...and the budder's get the plastic pieces too.

If you have good seeds that are sure to start a person can get away with starting them in a table or any good grow medium.