Upgrade my setup

hey guys. just got a good amount of money (100$) and would like to upgrade my setup. right now i have one plant under 5 26w CFL. but would like to step up, was thinking about getting fox farm soil and some nutrients. but have no clue on which kind i should get. so any help would be appreciated. and anything else that you guys would think that would help my plants produce a bigger yield


Well-Known Member
I agree more lights/sockets, etc....I am a noob too trying to keep it on the budget...I've found that Jack's Classic 20-20-20 nutes are a real big bang for your buck....I paid 7 bucks at greenhouse today for 8 ounces. I also got some unsulfered molasses for like 3 or 4 bucks as well....

And as far as the light I would prolly go with some t5's as well.
haha yeah, right now i have a plant growing pretty good so far, just bag seed tho. ill put some pic's up when i get back from vacation


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with bagseed just cause you don't know have a name for it don't mean it's junk. All pot usually ends up in a bag at sometime.

Good luck and travel safe.