update to my clone situation...was barely a nub i ripped rockwool now it blew up???


Active Member
so this pic is what my clone root looked like a few days ago....

now i put the rockwool cube back together and put it back in the humidity dome and within a few days it has 1 inch roots blowing out the bottom and sides of the broken rockwool...

now get this the other 13 clones still havnet done anything still no roots nothing.. what should i do? seems me breaking open the rockwool really speeded up the growth



Well-Known Member
well i dont know how much or little you know but roots need air to grow and your rock looks to wet
rock dont like to sit in water
rock should be damp not soaking wet i leave mine 2 weeks before i chack if sealed up good it holds moisture
never mist plant just rock and inside dome