update on my first grow, week 6


Active Member
I wanted to ask a question about my first grow. I started out w 4 plants on the same pot and as ya'll suggested, i transplanted each into their own pot. They almost died on me, as some leaves withered and looked burnt.

I watered them and went home for a week n when i returned, i found they had all survived but some leaves were burned at the edges (I don't have my camera right now, but I'll upload pix soon).

I purchased new feeding products because of a trip to a hydroponics store and I wanted to know if i could get some advice on how to use them.

Botanicare pure blend metabolic grow formula 1.0-0.5-1.0
terracycle plant food all purpose 0.03-0.002-0.02
supernatural brand green stay foliar spray stress relief for all plants
all natural organic fertilizer thrive alive b-1 1.0 1.0 1.0

i also decided to lollipop the plants n plucked all the damaged leaves off which were at the bottom n were older leaves damaged from last week's transplant.

I was told to just let 2 plants survive but fuck that im not gonna kill a plant if it's not already dead. my next big concern is determining the sex of the plants. all the plants seem to have sprout small leaves by the stem where old leaves were and I don't see any balls. is there anything else I should be looking out for?


Active Member
thats branches coming in if the plant is a foot tall 12/12 it 12 hours light 12 dark buy timer from wal mart or somewhere keep it up