Update on cfl grow, advice welcome!


Well-Known Member
So I had some problems after topping....I think I was underwatering/over nuting. I am in the process of trying to find the right combo, but feel I am on the right track finally. I've never used these smartpots before, and have realized I am going to go through a lot more water than I thought. These pots are thirsty!!! Anyways here are my plants, each plant has two pics...thoughts, observations, or advice is always welcome!!!



Active Member
Some of them look better than others. I learned that especially after creating stress (like topping) it's best to just let the plant do its thing for a bit and heal. Don't over water or over fertilize. I've never used smart pots, but just keep a close watch and the plant will tell you everything you need to know by looks. Good luck!