Unusual grow


Active Member
I get seeds in my bags here and there so I said why not and tried to grow some, this was really low budget and not a lot of invested time, just to see if it would work pretty much, got a few questions.
3 13w 2700k cfls
3 23w 6500k cfls
Fox farms ocean forest soil
Fox farms trio liquid ferts
9gallon fabric sac

The lights were never on a timer so the light cycle would be inconsistent as I'd forget here and there, which is why (I think) it ended up flowering when it did.. the plant started flowering about a foot tall, now it's a month and a half or so into flowering and it's a foot and a half.

My first question is about after harvest, I want to try again with more dedication, but I don't have access to seeds consistently. I've watched videos on revegging by leaving some smaller buds on the plant and letting it go for a while, what are the people here's thoughts on those methods?
Can I still clone it possibly?

How should I harvest this as it seems some buds are getting very close to harvest ready but other buds seem to be just forming, and the hairs seems to be turning brown at an odd rate.

How close to harvest would you say the plant is, if possible to tell from the photos, I am going to pick up a jewelers loupe so I can better see the trichromes in the future.

Thanks for any help, criticism is welcomeSnapchat-942800892.jpg Snapchat-989897226.jpg



Well-Known Member
You're beyond trying to reveg imo. Your plants look fine though. If you aren't in a legal state where clones are accessible, you can go to a reputable seed bank and get yourself some. It's pretty straight forward, just check with the strain/ review section here on RIU to hear what others say about buying seeds from where.


Well-Known Member
So with CFL lighting your not going to produce much. The lighht degredation is too great to really get top notch results, but CFLs was how i started, now i have 4 tents that take up half my basement wth various HID lighting in each.

She looks close but your trichomes are going to be what really gives it away. The hairs going orange isnt always a tell tale aign but youll see the hairs recessing back into the buds once shes ripening up foe the fibal stage. A cheap loop will help, i think grow stores sell them from $10-$12