unsure of sex


Well-Known Member
I cannot see any pistols so I'm going to go with male. Wait until someone more experienced answers though before you rip him out. Happy growing.

Love and Light,


Well-Known Member
Sorry to be the one to tell you....it's a male. Don't wait to cut it down if you have others growing with it. Keep trying, it's worth it.
dont pull the plug just yet,looks abit early to tell.pic 1 looks like new growth at the node points with your fan leaves. what looks like 2 horns just below the node points will eventually show a pair of white pistil hairs if it`s a female, otherwise it will show small balls which develope before the female pistil hairs.
keep a close eye and any signs of balls then remove straight away. good luck.
if the hairs are fine and white ( 2 either side of the stem)then i would wait a while,the balls on the male plant will certainly be obvious before he can open his pollen sacs, but if in doubt then suggest remove plant just in case.
good luck.


Well-Known Member
If it's a really good strain wouldn't you want to isolate that plant and grow it out, collecting the seeds?