Unknown Problem


Active Member
Hey everyone. Don't know what's going on here but it is serious. I recently destroyed 20 plants from flowering to babies, cleaned everything and started anew. Yet here it is happening all over again. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.





Well-Known Member
Need much more info: Type of lights and how many, Soil, your own blend, or something with nutes already in it, Nutes, what type, and how often are you feeding, pH, is it running about 6.8 and your grow area, no pests? Provide this info, perhaps we can help.


Active Member
Hey Nim, Thanks...

I'm using a 400 Watt with Ballast and the soil is fox farm mixed with perlite. I use a Fish emulsion 5-1-1 and feed them once a week. My ph runs between 6.5 and 7 (and I check it daily as I run the water plant in this small mountain town). There are no bugs and have checked several times with a scope. My temp runs from 75 to 80 with my humidity being 35 to 40. Hope this info helps.
