unique smell eminating Help!!


Active Member
After 2 weeks of this issue I need help!! It started off at the bottom of the plant with the fan leaves slowly yellowing starting at the tips moving down throughought the leaf, then the tips turn brown and get crispy, and then they kind of drop off of the plant ( if I blow on the leaf, it would easily fall off). This yellowing & dropping of the fan leaves made it's way all the way up to the top of a ,late in the game, flowering plant, taking every fan leaf with it. It is now starting on the small "trimming" leaves on the branches. THe only other thing, is that there is a smell in the room thats hard to explain but I would say moldy/damp smell, just like the smell of a wet towel all roled up for like 7 days (that genre of smell). I checked them for root-bound and didnt see any roots coming out the bottom of the plant at all. My only other thought, is that its either root rot, or some other fungal issue, or maybe because Ive been watering with molasses for like a month on and off, but I have zero experience with these issues, and the girls looks like theyre on a path to destruction. Expreienced & knowledgable growers, I need your help. Thank you and god bless