Uneven light in 250W SCROG

Hi everyone, this is my first grow in my 2'x2' DR-60 tent and I am about 5 weeks into flower. I am doing a SCROG and have the light (250W HPS) hung about 9" above the screen. This works well for most of the buds since they are only a few inches above the screen, but my 2 main colas are too tall. They are each in their own corner about 6" from the side walls and about the same height as the light. This means that only one side of each cola faces the light; the other side receives some reflected light from the walls.

Should I raise the light to allow me to put the 2 main colas in the center under the light, or should I keep the colas as they are? Will the shadow side of each cola be underdeveloped?


Well-Known Member
I don't necesarily know how to help you shape the colas, especially without pictures,
but I can tell you growing buds sideways vs the light, will result in undeveloped sides.