UnDer The SUn


Well-Known Member
should have gave it some nitro before flowering and not to late to give her a blast of phosphorus. your plant would benefit greatly. props for growing.


Well-Known Member
just choose a water soluble bloom fertilizer. the numbers refer to the percentage of n-p-h in the bottle by volume. when buying you realy dont need to pay much attention as to how high the numbers are.just a ballance. what you are looking for will be something with a high middle number and very little to no nitrogen-the first number n. and a touch of potasium-the last number-h. something like 2-8-4 (thats the numbers on tiger bloom just for a idea) that means it will be getting 8% phosphorus out of the bottle. fertilizers are concentrated and you follow the info on the bottle to water with it. its as easy as that realy. so if you go to your hydro store just buy a bloom formula. grab something organic they are more forgiving of mistakes like over ferting. and less need to flush hard. give it ferts untill it has about 2 weeks left till harvest. then use plain water. next time buy some grow formula-high n. for vegetating. cool? good luck.