under the leafs is purple and then Leafs turning yellow with brown, than falling down



This is my first time grow. it been growing good untill i noticed that a few of the bottom leaves started to get brown spots on the tips, very small but then as time went on it dried out the leaf and turned it yellow and crackly. from the pics it only look like the bottom one have been effected but there are very small brown tips and edges on several oother leaves. The top portion of the plant seems healthy. is this nute burn? or something else. please lemme no so i can do something to fix it asap. Anything helps. Thanks


New Member
Can you post just some pics? How much/what kind of nutes are you using? How often do you feed them? What kind of light are they under?


i feed with npk peters hi nitro that is 30-10-10, and they start to become like this, the light is HPS 150 watts 18 on /6 0ff.


New Member
IMO that is WAY too much nute for those...they normally dont need anything for a couple weeks if your soil is straight...


New Member
just give them water for a while...they should be ok...mine seem to be recovering from some terrible crap... they are usually tough. Them hoes be thuggin.


I'm curious about the responses you get, I have a few doing the same thing after I transplanted them... Went from 16oz cups to 3 gal smart-pots...


Well-Known Member
I think it went ;like this, overwatered causing yellowing so u add strong nutes to fix this and burn the shit out them .Start again ,dont overwater and dont feed for first 3 weeks, first week under a fluro.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about the responses you get, I have a few doing the same thing after I transplanted them... Went from 16oz cups to 3 gal smart-pots...
Yours is shock. Dont feed for 2 weeks and dont over water, they will come back.


usually wait till the 3 leaf set before you start nutes and then go with an 1/8 because you got a strong on there try to get something lower like a 8-2-2 less than 10 when you get it going and stronger than you can give them the 30 and as for light raise it up so it stretch for it and then lower to the right position.