Unable to identify problem, pics and full details.


Well-Known Member
So would you say there is any improvement at all, on any of them? I am wondering if they are locked out. I read the proper way to pH soil is to let it dry good, then use water with a pH of 7 and slowly water. Catch the first bit of runoff, and test pH. You can also catch the last bit of water and test the pH to see if there is a difference or not. If it is too high or low in the soil I am not sure if flushing with water in the opposite extreme will help correct or just stay course.

You know though, mag and calcium, as well as either P or K, share dependencies. You said you were giving water with epsom salts, which does not have Calcium. So thinking more on this the epsom could be harming because it has too much or not enough Cal. Please research this a bit, cause I am unsure how it goes. Sorry I didn't think of this sooner but maybe this is why there is no improvement. You may have to run out and pick up some type of Cal/Mag supplement. I know my second indoor grow I had 2 that looked like that, never could fix and ended up harvesting early. But after the fact I read about the dependencies I just mentioned.


Active Member
I'll post an update later tonight. With some photos.
The plants are not faring well. However the clones have started veging again and are healthy :)

I think they are locked out, due to all the early mistakes that were made, but at this point im just going to let them go on growing and if i get anything out of them then it will be a lesson well learned. I'll pull them when i start to see the bud getting affected by the problems the fan leaves have had.

I read up on the P K and your right they are co dependant in the uptake pattern but one thing i do know about my water is that is high in calcium anyway. But it hasn't really done anything either way.
Thanks for all your help gumball.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome martha. Don't know if I mentioned this, but maybe some distilled water for a few feeding? I know walmart has a Culligans machine in the back that is reverse osmosis water with less than 20 ppm for 37 cents a gallon, but you have to buy there container. This is not normally good to feed to your plants straight cause as I understand it the plants take a lot of minerals from the plain water too. But in your case it can't hurt, if you can afford it that is.


Active Member
Distilled water might help, but im afraid i dont know of anywhere i can easily get a hold of it, I live in Scotland. I am going to install an RO tap in the future, for nice clean drinking water.


Active Member
Quick update.
The plans are still loosing fan leaves even the ones growing out of most of the buds are going. Despite all this I'm getting a decent amount of bud and its looking surprisingly healthy. One of the main colas is about 8 inches long and 4 inches wide.


Well-Known Member
Well at least they aren't dieing and they continue to grow even. Don't remember, but do you know the strain and genetics? I know some plants are more touchy in general than others.


Active Member
They are NL5 not sure of the genetics, got them as clones off a friend.
So surprised at the amount that the buds have grown.
Also tried super cropping one of my seedlings and holly hell, the thing has gone mad i have two side by side for comparison, ill post a pic later on if your interested.


Well-Known Member
And I thought NL was a tough one. Well maybe that's why its still growing such huge buds.

Sure, I would love to see some pics, maybe even throw in some updated pics of the rest of the garden :)

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
mg soil isnt bad idk why people hate it. yes its not good for young plants. and yes you MUST watch your ph and have some lime mixed with it.