UK policy under coalition


Well-Known Member
Knowing that Cameron was punished at eton for smoking cannabis at Eton, I thought I would take a look at what all the policies were from the key players in the probable coalition goverment, and I came across this piece that I found interesting enough to share.

Liberal Democrats
After the first televised leaders debate, it didn't pass unoticed that so rattled were Messr's Brown and Cameron, by the calm and reasoned arguments put forwards by Lib-Dem leader Nick Clegg, they decided to join forces in trying their best to shoot down the cheeky young upstart, by releasing negative policy stories in their respective newspapers.
'He said this', said Gordon Brown. 'He said that' said David Cameron.

But all that has done is stoke Mr Clegg's flames, and especially so amongst a cannabis community which is more 'connected' and in touch with current affairs than ever before.

A South Wales man who used cannabis to kick a damaging alcohol habit actually wrote to Nick Clegg's constituency office in Sheffield, to ask for the Lib-Dem's standpoint. This is what he received in return;

If the Lib-Dems are voted into power at the 2010 General Election, they will;

*Re-classify cannabis BACK to a Class C drug.

*Adopt a policy of not prosecuting possession for own use, social supply to adults or cultivation of cannabis plants for own use.

*The Lib-Dems will repeal Sections 8 (c) and (d) of the Misuse of Drugs Act so that it is no longer a crime for the occupier or manager of premises to permit someone to use cannabis on those premises.

*And they will also Permit medical use of cannabis derivatives, subject to appropriate pharmaceutical controls and the successful conclusion of current clinical trials.

Now obviously nothing drastic is ever going to happen as always the vocal minority would whine far to much. But its certainly interesting to see that we....(In the UK) do at least have some hope for the future, even if its only a reduction in the classification back to C, (Currently B, which can carry a 14year prison sentence).

Heres Hoping.

Thoughts are welcome.


I too had read about Nick Clegg's reply! He seems to have his head screwed on.

Prohibition of cannabis is a bottomless pit for the government to throw money into!

I was reading about cannabis use rates, and prohibition has had no effect at all. In fact its use has increased in the 16+ age.

The worlds No.1 cash crop goes straight to the hands of criminals, in many cases!
I find it rather upsetting to think about all that money, nationwide, that could have gone to help with recession debt. People that have lost jobs could be working in coffee shops or cultivation etc etc. I cant remember the amount of money that the Netherlands takes from there decriminalization, but it is rather a hefty amount. Not to mention that there usage of other, still illegal substances, has fallen since cannabis laws were relaxed.

I agree that nothing major is going to happen anytime soon, but at least Coalition might provide better answers, decisions, and laws.

Ill cross my finger with you!

The Seal, he's Super!
