UK Petition to legalise


Active Member
It could all be in vain unfortunately. I agree with you that it's an opportunity to be heard, but also understand 100% people being reluctant to putting an address.

Tip top - need an address, just like the census it shows you only signed once.

Like special boy I am pessimistic as to 1 this reaching 100,000 (even though shit loads more than that will smoke it in uk) and 2 anyone in uk government to stick their neck out and fight to decriminalise/legalise cannabis. They have always been anti-weed, using scare tactics, claiming its a stepping stone to harder substances and all that other bull, let's look at the positives for once fuck sake, it scores a big fat 0 in regards to direct cause of deaths, eases suffering for people with illnesses, and for the likes of me enables me to unwind after a hard day grafting, and fuck yeah I get off my tits sometime, is that such a bad fucking thing - cigs and alcohol are more damaging....

Guna stop my rant now, obviously have a passion for this subject and the war on drugs has not been successful. It's fucking bull shit in this day and age people still not taking full advantage of such a great product with multiple uses, what a shame... Bastards!!!


Active Member
I realise reading that back you guys are if anyone, those I do not need to explain the pro's to smoking weed but I needed to get that out my system so I'm all good now.... With the exception it's still not decriminalised/legalised and Netherlands now attempting to ban tourists is too pissing me off or grinding my gears!


Active Member
a lot of the coffeeshop owners say its against the dutch first ammendment in that it discriminates against foreigners and are just ignoring the new rules, 1500 max members only clubs with a dutch passport needed to join. i see the governments point, why should they let the world go there and smoke it and still they are looked down noses at, for having it legal. if i was dutch i'd think the same, they fought their fight and they fought hard and they won (to keep it legal) now instead of doing it in out own countries we go to theirs. still sucks arse. but its meant to make people want to get it legal their homeplace. we live in a democracy and until the majority speak out they will always be perceived as a minority. majority votes rule


a lot of the coffeeshop owners say its against the dutch first ammendment in that it discriminates against foreigners and are just ignoring the new rules, 1500 max members only clubs with a dutch passport needed to join. i see the governments point, why should they let the world go there and smoke it and still they are looked down noses at, for having it legal. if i was dutch i'd think the same, they fought their fight and they fought hard and they won (to keep it legal) now instead of doing it in out own countries we go to theirs. still sucks arse. but its meant to make people want to get it legal their homeplace. we live in a democracy and until the majority speak out they will always be perceived as a minority. majority votes rule
Just for the record it's not legal in Holland it's decriminalised, they could never make it legal as it would encourage people to bring it through neighbouring countries pissing off those governments.

Did you see this in the paper yesterday?


Active Member
it went from legal to being decriminalised i thought, when i dont know, but cannabis being a prohibited substance is a fairly new viewpoint. i dont know for sure and could well be wrong but thats how i understood it.

you know if america legalises or decrims then other places are sure to follow. that article depicts exactly the kind of attitude i want ppl to have. was it not two weeks ago it was in the papers about there only being 150 prison places left in the uk? i'm not saying go cause trouble but we need to realise that the people in charge of making the laws in our country are people who work for us and represent our wishes in parliament and the law of the land should be set accordingly.

the fact that its still illegal is purely down to closed minded politicions not doing the job the people elected them to do. i know theres more than 10000 people who want it to be legal in the uk, IT SHOULDN'T TAKE SIGNING A PETITION FOR THEM TO KNOW THAT EITHER! So i say fuck em, sign it, play the bad man at his own game and fucking win


Active Member
Thanks for that link, that documentary is very good! I shall keep that in my faves for the occasion I meet a naysayer :-)

You just can't argue with the stuff they are saying in the doc, unlike Frank and I find it refreshing to hear someone else saying what I'm thinking for once!

What happened to Prof David Nutt was terrible. I don't know how they could sack him, he should have taken them to employment tribunal!!

They should be looking for advisors who are truthful and not just a "yes man". A shining example that the government is biased in the views and actions they take.


Active Member
ive been watching tohe epetition its almost on 9500 , it will need a another 90,000 and it runs out in august next year , so come on people get your asses on the goverment epetition site and sign the facking thing


Well-Known Member
I worked very hard to get the petition through last year, and we unfortunately did not succeed, the new petition for this year is now up.

I found during my activities that the Cannabis community is either very paranoid, or simply does not want it to be regulated by the Government, again paranoia . If your details were taken from the E-Petitions website and used to identify you, then that would be a crime, if they were to use the information to go further and actually act against you from it, then that would also be a crime.

Until you stand up and let your voice be heard, you will always be a walking victim of the prohibitionist movement.

If the 100,000 signatures is reached, it forces the topic onto the desks of the Backbench committee who then have to book time for it to be discussed on the floor of the Houses of Parliament. (Which is also always live on TV)


Well-Known Member
I worked very hard to get the petition through last year, and we unfortunately did not succeed, the new petition for this year is now up.

I found during my activities that the Cannabis community is either very paranoid, or simply does not want it to be regulated by the Government, again paranoia . If your details were taken from the E-Petitions website and used to identify you, then that would be a crime, if they were to use the information to go further and actually act against you from it, then that would also be a crime.

Until you stand up and let your voice be heard, you will always be a walking victim of the prohibitionist movement.

If the 100,000 signatures is reached, it forces the topic onto the desks of the Backbench committee who then have to book time for it to be discussed on the floor of the Houses of Parliament. (Which is also always live on TV)

Sorry mate, I tried. I live in the US and e-petitions will not allow me to sign up and/or sign this petition. I could lie but i believe that would counterproductive.