UK out door growers


Well-Known Member
i fill sorry for all you uk out side growers as its bin the wetist that iv ever nown and we ant had much sun laytly to. so are any of yor plants still alive?:roll:


Active Member
People in the UK grow outdoors?!?! i never knew it was possible here in the UK? Have any of you had any decent results at all? And how has it been with the rain this year n all??


Well-Known Member
ther is hell of a lot of out door growers in the uk as im one of them but i did not bover this year thank god but i bet its al fuckd naw?

Old Toby

Active Member
ther is hell of a lot of out door growers in the uk as im one of them but i did not bover this year thank god but i bet its al fuckd naw?

Ya did rite not to bother this year dude cos its one big wet mess over there, I'm in Ireland and we have only started to see that weird bright orange thing in the sky....I think its called the sun:smile:

Baked Jesus

Well-Known Member
I just planted my recently discovered male plants outsite to see how well they carry on growing. 3 days now, with pretty good weather, and they're doing fine.

I'm sure they wont last too long with the shitty weather we've been having lately. But I'll see I guess. :joint::mrgreen:


The Gardener
you can get massive tree,s in the uk outdoors as long as u do the normal good soil and and no shaded parts from the sun as it moves

id help a m8 with his every year with is outdoors we have problems with rats they luv it

this year they were drownded about a week after they went up the hill,s this year i seen a few disasters on here from the rain

i was thinking of going back with some clones and building like a tent with just 4posts and that thick clear plasic stuff for some shelter might help with the sun too


The Gardener
The Was A Massive Outdoor Grow Found In Switzerland Becouse Of Deers Attacking Hickers And Sleeping In The Middle Of The Road In Front Of Traffic Once They Went To C Whats Was Wrong With The Deers They Found Fields Of Ganja Lol

All Them Fucking Rat,s Here Must Be Stoned To The Clinkers Trying To Ride Rabbits And Every Thing Lol

I Would Prefair Deer Over Rats Any Day Plus Im Shit Scared Of The Fuckers I Feeze When I C Them Things Lol


Well-Known Member
dont get meny rats down hear just rabbits and deer and fucking sheep when thay get out. thay all love skunk and must get fuckd up on it?