

Active Member
Fortunately I started more plants than my box can actually contain, 1 died early in sprout, and now this :( If anyone knows how to help my baby I would be so greatful! I'd like to at least keep them all healthy till I can weed out the males.

Little background info:

- I'm usin CFLS (And they are not close enough to burn...)
- I have just started feeding with foxfarm organic growth, I only used slightly less than 1/2 the recommended feeding strength on the bottle
- Soil PH is checked daily, sits right between 6 and 6.5
- Water Ph is checked every watering, and slightly lowered because my city water is between 6.5 and 7. So I lower it untill its between 5.5 and 6. Which has slightly lowered the soil PH which was 6.5 for the first few weeks

Anyways I'm not sure what else to say, any help is appreciated. Here are a couple pictures let me know what you think


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member