Uh-oh! Lights flashed on during flowering!

God's Balls

Active Member
:confused: Okay, I'm spooked enough to make my first post. Sorry it's long -- I don't have pics yet.

Two weeks into flowering, my two 600w lights powered up, for about 45 seconds. This happened once, about an hour into the 12-hour dark cycle.

My tallest Sour Diesels (and one rather short Bubba Wreck) all sprouted eager new shoots, around the tops. Their lower sites still have the typical flowering look, as do all plants not immediately near the bulbs.

Is this enough to revert plants back into vegetative growth? If so how long to bring them back, and by what methods (bending)?

I know -- dark needs to stay dark, but I've read that one flash isn't enough to flip the girls.

Can anyone offer any experience here? Help gets rep (from a rookie :-?). Thanks.


Active Member
happend to me about 3 weeks ago. lights came on for about 2 minutes. this was during my 4th week in flowering. that was 3 weeks ago, and everything seems to be fine. I thought i saw some weird growth, maybe some stunting, but i think it was just my immagination. You should be a-OK!

:confused: Okay, I'm spooked enough to make my first post. Sorry it's long -- I don't have pics yet.

Two weeks into flowering, my two 600w lights powered up, for about 45 seconds. This happened once, about an hour into the 12-hour dark cycle.

My tallest Sour Diesels (and one rather short Bubba Wreck) all sprouted eager new shoots, around the tops. Their lower sites still have the typical flowering look, as do all plants not immediately near the bulbs.

Is this enough to revert plants back into vegetative growth? If so how long to bring them back, and by what methods (bending)?

I know -- dark needs to stay dark, but I've read that one flash isn't enough to flip the girls.

Can anyone offer any experience here? Help gets rep (from a rookie :-?). Thanks.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I really doubt 45 secs would make any difference. Weed outdoors gets lighting flashes during storms along with moon light. I doubt 45 secs from HID lights that even haven't started to warm up and glow would make any difference.

God's Balls

Active Member
I really doubt 45 secs would make any difference. Weed outdoors gets lighting flashes during storms along with moon light. I doubt 45 secs from HID lights that even haven't started to warm up and glow would make any difference.
Aren't outdoor plants more resistant, though? I've seen them unaffected by streetlights. Either way, it's probably paranoia. Like getting drunk, forgetting who you kissed, and spending the next week imagining cold sores.


Active Member
This (as you describe) shouldn't have any real effect. I would only expect problems if it was a regular occurrence like what happens with light leaks in cabinets/tents.