uh oh, is this maturing bud starting to herm?


Well-Known Member
They r bananas. Do not worry this late in flower. just try to clip them off when u see them. If they r showing on the outside then there r some on the inside where u cannot see them. I would keep an eye on those trichs and pull them as soon as they r ready. I have had this have every time with my last strain. I think the pollen is sterile or practically sterile. I have only found one seed and its never affected the next crop or a staggered crop in the same room but that is not saying it can not happen. If u have plants ealier in flower in the same room keep a close eye and be careful when harvesting.


Well-Known Member
lmfao sex pest , virgin rent boy ?!?! Lol im starting to think you are retarded or or just a silly little boy/girl/scottish he she poking his nose where it does not belong. Your a 20year old scottish single little silly slag , what the fuck r u on , ?! Bet you got the good ol scottish yellow teeth and haggis breath going on aint ya ?! You have no idea who your talking to and btw im closer than you think you mug . Aye !?

Your so clever and dont want to post pics yet you have already admitted that you live in scotland, you grow , info about your unlucky husband , he shoudlve been a grower r sumik , much safer , peace.
braveheart ya bum!


Well-Known Member
Come on guys - turn your personal attacks down - there is no necessity to lash out like this
I know mate, we pure hijacked that guy/lassies thread, apologies to them an everyone else thats had to endure Buddarooms vile language and attitude toward women. It aint his fault he's a reject.


Well-Known Member
Lol if only you knew who i was ..
u on the other hand r a scottish wannabe grower , pos 1 ugly ass child on the dole jeremy kyle slag with a dead as a door nail husband ! LULZ.[/



Well-Known Member
Lol if only you knew who i was ..
You on the other hand r a scottish wannabe grower , pos 1 ugly ass child on the dole jeremy kyle slag with a dead as a door nail husband ! LULZ.
Would you beleive me if I told you I was your dad you muppet. You were groomed on these forums when you were younger wernt you. STUPID WEE VICTIM> Ha Ha, thanks for the banter.