UFO over Denver. For real.


Well-Known Member
thats retarded. You're saying there are no UFO's just because nobody even found a piece of a ufo? how does that happen? A ufo is flying by and a piece of it just breaks off? If they can travel in space going at light speed I think their machine can handle our environment, no?
No - a piece just doesn't fall off. But - c'mon. 'Tons' of sightings throughout history but never a tiny piece? There's no leftover fuel or maybe a spent cell or something like that. No wreckage of any kind? I mean - show me a piece of a UFO and I'm a believer. Like Breaking Benjamin said - 'Give Me a Sign'.


Active Member
Those 'tons' of sightings is bullshit, not every ufo is an alien obviously. Plus, i'm sure if there was a wreckage the government would be all over that shit. You realize what would happen if the government showed the public proof of aliens or if someone found a piece of a ufo or alien technology and it was irrefutable evidence. bye bye religion.


Well-Known Member
I saw a rerun last night of Brad Metzlers: Decoded about Area 51 and Roswell. They talked to folks who worked at Area 51 and other credible people. Fact is the government has/had something that they told classified people dwarfed the significance and impact of the atomic bomb. Credible folks say they have seen the recovered materials and bodies. And the son of the man who invented the Lear jet said his dad told him he had seen all that.

Keep in mind Decoded isn't like Finding Bigfoot or other similar shows, their focus is is not really on this kind of thing. Personally I'm not convinced some of this stuff is extraterrestrial, I think some of it could be inter dimensional, or even us from the very far future traveling back in time. If true, that would go a long way in explaining the governments secrecy in the matter.

Fascinating stuff regardless of your opinion.


Well-Known Member
I do agree that if there was any wreckage most people would not be in the know about it, most likely. Heavy lockdown.

I will say, plain and simple, I TOTALLY believe aliens could exist. In fact I believe they HAVE to exist due to the nature of reality. I also believe they're more likely interdimensional rather than physically distant. (So, like, kind of, you know, right next to you/inside you but on a frequency you're not tuned to)




Just my 2 cents. UFO's may very well exist. Those were not them.