UFO I captured on film and photographed

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
We are at a point in time where we need to advance past a war hungry view, if we dont advance and progress now we will send ourselves back into the dark ages..

The one thing i am surprised nobody has mentioned is the buildaberg group, That right their is as much PROOF of the nwo threat as any.. The fact that 125 of the richest people in the world including all the international banking families, British parliament members, the prime minister of Great Britian and Canada, U.S. Senators, Most of Obama's Cabinet, and the Sitting President himself are apart of buildaberg. They get together behind closed door's to discuss world policy, from what i understand it is illegal for them to meet in the fashion they do..

You should really look into Daniel Estulin and his books about the buildaberg group, I doubt that anyone could really debate what he has to say, whats surprising is he just exposed buildaberg in European parliament and for the most part nobody knew anything about buildaberg and had never heard of them.. When the world elite meet and discuss things i think thats info that everyone has the right to hear and it should def be something that everyone knows.

What surprise's me is the amount of people that just shrug it off and ignore it, people that say show me the proof blah blah blah... How much more up in your face could it really be by now, i mean does it really surprise you to think that the most wealthy and powerful people in our world arn't satisfied with what they have.. Does it surprise you to think they would want to mass decrease our population to save the natural resources for themselves and their future family? I mean i just find it so hard to believe that people know shits fucked up, they know the system is corrupt, they arnt okay with the state of life we are in.. But they just accept it and turn their head as to whats going on..

I mean weather you believe in the whole conspiracy thing or not is one thing but i know most people are smart enough to still realize their is alot of real shady shit going on that can be proven by this that and the other. I mean shit like Senator's making laws that require different types of insurance when the senator has a family member that owns an insurance company. The fact that alot of politicians went out and bought stock in the company that makes body bags we put our troops in. They did this right before we announced we were going to war. The Fact that Dick Cheney was chairman of the board for halliburton. I mean the list goes on and on and on and all of that shit is without a doubt 100% provable but yet people just still turn their heads and accept whats going on..


New Member
Yes the Bilderberg is real and they are near the top, but not all the way at the top. They do control nearly all the money in the world and have an influence on just about everything thats going on in the world.
which brings me on to the real topic, we should stop making babies cause the worlds gonna be over in 30 years and thats being hopeful. and lets be honest no one wants to just die when theyre 16, okay you might be saying hey my kid will survive. and again, lets be honest, chances are he wont. so dont make him die when hes 16 ;)

and again im high so please excuse me if i offend you