Uber Stealth Bubbleponics CFL White Rhino


Well-Known Member
Snake Oil HAHAH funny!!! My Runt is doing great for what she looked like in past photos! Oh yes, indeed I really get almost bored of the plants when they are in bud stage, but, I can say that I never forget to PH test and treat the reservoir and watch the water lvls. Never saying that anyone here ever does.
That is the main reason you don't see me on the sites I update my journals on all just b/c its boring, oh sorry almost boring (enter sarcasm here) haha
Any who Henleyhaze a pic even though cellphone pic would be cooler then nuttn.
3 Hours till pics get uploaded on this site. (Thats when lights timer turns on) Tick Tock

P.S Do U live in the states Henleyhaze? If so what seed site did u use im thinking of going through with another site just for more variety. My first and only site for buying seeds is Nirvana I, unlike some others had a great experience with them and will deffinatly order from them again if I cant get any good replies from other people like u for instance on other sites. Thanks for the future retart!!


Well-Known Member
Day 90 Day 48 of Blooming
Soo sorry for the being late on updates but you know how it is when the lil girls are at this stage (kinda boring).
So here are the girls I normally would of cut them and put in a curing mode but, they are still popping out brand new green pistils so I'm going to let the buds get bigger as they have been after seeing these new pistils for like a week now (this White Rhino) is rated to be finished budding after 9-11 weeks in bloom stage and I did top them so we all know that does slow the growing process a lil bit well Ill blame that hehe love u guys and strong girls.



Well-Known Member
Yea I live in the states, but I smuggled some seeds from jamaica that I am growing. after that then I will order from attitude because I like the shirt idea. yep cell phone pics are gonna have to be where its at for me, I'll take some pics when my wife wakes. your looking good. i'm telling you do yourself a favor and get a pocket microscope from radio shack. you can look at the trichromes and determine when is right for you to cut to get your desired high! the more amber the more cbd the more cloudy the more thc the clear is the lack of thc. lol I don't check my ph very often. its pretty stable I check it about once every three days. I'm REALLY LAZY! remember I only have one in flowering in a bucket so she only drinks about 1/3 gallon a day then on saturday I change the rez. and go back to waiting lol.


Well-Known Member
Those are lookin mighty tasty Love1! Can't believe you can get so much in such tight quarters. Well done. Man, that set up would be perfect for a scrog too.


Well-Known Member
Day 92 Day 49 of Blooming Harvest 1 of 2
Funny you say that b/c last night at 8pm I cut out 66.6 Grams of the plants that are not pollinated and 29.7 Grams of the whole (runt) plant that is pollinated, so to back pedal a lil bit the only pollinated plants where the runt plant and the clone plant but I did'nt cut the clone plant its still in the cabinet with whats left overof the 2 other plants that are still developing there buds.
Oh yes I got seeds Muhahaha awesome sooo siked and only on the 1 plant I pollinated and not the whole lot of the plants, not sure if the clone has seeds hidding in her but in Harvest part 2 we shall see. This is pollinated (runt) w/ leafs trimmed off only.
Runt different view
Runt's(pollenated) top nug
This is off the parts from nonpollenated plant
nonpollenated but trimmed off leafs
close up of nonpollenated nugs
more close ups of nonpollenated
nonpollenated 66.6 Grams in shoe box lid 29.7 pollenated in the clear plastic lid and on side of lid
more pollenated pics



Well-Known Member
Oh I will definitely put a link to my next grow but I'm not really done with this one yet still have some buds growing in the cabinet.
Darn I forgot to put up pic of whats still in the cabinet.
Thats whats still growing in cabinet after the trimming.


Well-Known Member
Thx I appreciate it Tom__420

As for me trying out HPS That 5hit and MH bulbs I would like to give them a spin but, I would have to find a new enclosure for room from the heat of the bulbs and cooling issues. I mainly am debating on LED lights but they are pretty costly and im not going for the mixed blue and red spectrum if I do go the LED route I will absolutly go for all blue LEDs for grow and all reds for bloom, still havent found the optimum brightness for cost ratio though so, CFLs are here to stay for me UNTIL....

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
some of the people on here say the LEDs are compareable to cfls so you may just want to gao with a stronger cfl

these are gr8

2. $39.99

150w Fluorescent Grow Bulb

Model: CF-150Lumens: 7,500Kelvin: 6,4001lb.Usually ships within
2 business days.

Compare at:
Our price:
These special fluorescent bulbs are perfect for seedlings, clones, and germination. All bulbs screw into a mogul light socket, and save a great deal on power. We recommend 50 watts per square foot of garden space.
3. $49.99

200w Fluorescent Grow Bulb

Model: CF-200Lumens: 9,250Kelvin: 6,4001lbs.Usually ships within


Well-Known Member
The experiment is almost complete.
Experiment 1
Topped plant VS non topped plant : Which has more yield? So far I have 29.7 Grams off my non topped plant. As for my topped plants I have to wait till the buds are finished, but so far I have 66.6 Grams off 2 topped plants so when I get the rest off plants we shall see how much more you get from topping.

Experiment 2
24/7 with lights on during Veg phase VS 16/8 lights on during Veg phase
I looked through all my pics from 1st grow and 2nd grow and I can't tell a difference at all. I looked at pics b4 I added nutes, then after, all the way till day 33 of both my grows. Looks identical.
The only thing I did notice was in my first grow I used 3to1 bloom lights to 1 grow light because I didn't have enough grow bulbs at that time, but anyways what I noticed my first grow only had 1 main cola on each plant.
Yes I know maybe its because I didn't top them but I also didn't top the Runt on this grow and she had a crazy amount of bud sites (the pic that looks like a tree, just the leafs are off the plant not buds).
So is a 3 to1 ratio bloom to veg during veg phase the culprit? Hmmm


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about telling you to cut, but I was like fuck it he knows and you sooo did hell yea. now take those cuttings and make some butane hash oil. stem and leaves all!!

seriously good yield so far looks like you got two to three months of bud there. congrats.