Type of seed that wont grow tall


Active Member
I need something that wont grow taller then 1.5 feet.

Are there any suggestions other then lowrider?....is lowrider any good?


Well-Known Member
Lowryder i'll be having a go at next, apparently very short plant goes straight into flowering however the smoke from it aint meant to be the best.


Well-Known Member
Sure. Most indicas should work. Just start flowering shortly after the seeds sprout. Indoors most weed won't grow more than 2-3 times the height it started in flowering. If you PM me I'll make sure to send you pics. Good luck!


Active Member
Mazar from Dutch Passion as well as Hog from TH seeds both indica's that are short oozing with crystals, My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. ooohhhwweee


Well-Known Member
just buy an inidica strain. such as, Purple Indica. And then use the LST, you could keep it really low. Go to FAQS to read more about LST'ing, its easy and works great.

Lowryder is a waste of money = (

Grow on growers!!!!<3