Tylenol Pms?


i tried getting loaded off the pm's, when i was about 13; but even then i was smart enough to know that it was definately not a good thing for your body. save your money and your liver... just stay awake for about three days, you'll be twisted! lol! stay out of the medicine cabinet before you kill yourself


Well-Known Member
ya. will kill your liver.

Just go to a doc and complaine about some pain.

He'll give you somthing so you dont have to kill the liver.

But still Rx high is bad.

Just stick to the weed. Now if u'll excuse me I need to pop a couple more Vicodin : )



Well-Known Member
i drink latte's man and they fuk me UP bro. they make me hyper and i can feel my body get energy. also i can feel my hair growing when i am on them.


Well-Known Member
go steal all the coricidin cough and cold from your local store and take like 20 of em and youll get high...tylenol pms lol


Well-Known Member
triple c will kill ya. used to watch buddies get fo shizzled on it. takes about 14-20 . if u want to take a sleep aid take ambien and try to stay awake . guaranteed beat down .


Well-Known Member
They were fun to take during class in middle school ...funny as hell... three or four of us were in outer space trying to stay awake...zzzzzzzz I recall drooling on the desk in science when I fell asleep…good times

EAMON {2:00 am}

Active Member
i messed my kidneys up permanently on those pills when i was younger.. now i use marijuana to fix the pain that my kidneys causes me from damaging them.. i should have just stuck with pot.. i got good advice get off of popping crappy wallmart pills..they will damage ur kidneys and liver so bad..my kidneys are hella bad and hurt 24/7..not worth it


Well-Known Member
If you are to take something like cough stuff make sure it only contains the

active ingredient: dextromethorphan

Cuz the others like the headache stuff will coz liver damage and stuff


Active Member
This peanut butter I have gives me an alergic reaction that is tootally rad dude! I see lepricons and shit!

BTW - I didn't know Tylenol made PMS medicine, thats pretty badass.


Well-Known Member
Uh...my 2 cents

- acetaminophen is good for curing a headache in small doses for most people, but bad for eating a lot of for all people
- the benedryl drug that a few people mentioned (ingredient in many sleeping pills) does get you "high" but its very groggy, and drugged feeling.
- DXM even feels like a dirty high to me anymore, and I know its more fun than the benedryl/sleeping med high. Maybe I need to extract the DXM :mrgreen:
- All this over the counter med abuse has to be bad for your body in proportion to the "high" you get.


Well-Known Member
Yeah maybe they should legalize the real shit so these idiots dont abuse OTC med's due to lack of access to real drugs
If the peolpe are smart they would buy gels and cough syrup that only contain the active ingredient DXM. Then they will be fine just chugging a bottle or too or taking a bunch of gels.

But yeah, when they do contain other active ingredients (like CCC) you will abuse your liver and your kidneys..