tying down?


Well-Known Member
Hey SouthSac! You just gotta talk sweet while you're tying her down...I don't think my girls would be anywhere as full or with as many tops if I didn't tie down. I've never stressed her either. Like I said...talk sweet to her.


Well-Known Member
ok ne way enough with ur bitchin about whose methods are better, nobody's rite, and just to put my 2 cents inif u lst early enough and no wtf ur doing it will increase yield, have u ever seen a 3lb plant straight up and down, i havnt it looks like a big ass bush so there

thanks but no danks

Active Member
ok ne way enough with ur bitchin about whose methods are better, nobody's rite, and just to put my 2 cents inif u lst early enough and no wtf ur doing it will increase yield, have u ever seen a 3lb plant straight up and down, i havnt it looks like a big ass bush so there
idk i really think veggie has the right idea(not dissing you southsac, you definatly had veryyy nice plants haha), he seems to be very experienced, but either way, where i live, its not legal (yet... i hope), so lst is definatly the best bet when it comes to being secure and still haveing a nice yield, but it just seems to make more sense, saying a plant wont grow more if you increase the light is like saying you wont gain weight if you eat more food, i just didnt think of it that way before, but yet again, just seems logical to me, cant say for sure from experience


Well-Known Member
ok ne way enough with ur bitchin about whose methods are better, nobody's rite, and just to put my 2 cents inif u lst early enough and no wtf ur doing it will increase yield, have u ever seen a 3lb plant straight up and down, i havnt it looks like a big ass bush so there
3lbs is not hard to obtain off of one plant if u put them out early enough... in person the most ive seen is 5lbs off of one plant and no it wasnt tied down. but check out this grow from last year with no tying down. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/362733-humboldtlocals-outdoor-2010-a.html


Well-Known Member
Tom Hill has been growing 10 pounders for years.(ICMag)

How does he do it?

Plenty of room and TLC.

His methods are worth study.


Well-Known Member
mr. marijuana seems to think 3lbs is impossible unless u tie down... hey vg i got a question tho, what do u do for support when u lst? cuz everytime ive lstd i had them in tomato cages but they go so far out that the cages dont do anything and i ended up having to tie each individual branch (pain in the ass) to a frame that i built above them. im sure there is an easier way and im guessing u would be the one to know...


Well-Known Member
mr. marijuana seems to think 3lbs is impossible unless u tie down... hey vg i got a question tho, what do u do for support when u lst? cuz everytime ive lstd i had them in tomato cages but they go so far out that the cages dont do anything and i ended up having to tie each individual branch (pain in the ass) to a frame that i built above them. im sure there is an easier way and im guessing u would be the one to know...
hey dipshit i didnt say that i said u cant have a 3 lb plant straight up and dwn , whatever the method u use to bush it out whether it be scorg, lst, supercropping ,it will increase your yield, rather than planting a seed and just letting it grow staight up without touching it


Well-Known Member
mr. marijuana seems to think 3lbs is impossible unless u tie down... hey vg i got a question tho, what do u do for support when u lst? cuz everytime ive lstd i had them in tomato cages but they go so far out that the cages dont do anything and i ended up having to tie each individual branch (pain in the ass) to a frame that i built above them. im sure there is an easier way and im guessing u would be the one to know...
In my greenhouses, I use 3.5' x 3.5' sheets of 6" remesh, suspended four feet above the ground, horizontally. The branches grow through the remesh, which provides support.

In my cage, the chain link and remesh "roof" serve to create a huge ScrOG. Some years, I run twine across the cage about four feet above the ground to help train the plants.

For people growing in the ground with plenty of area, I suggest remesh cylinders about 4 feet in diameter and up to 7 feet tall. Some add a remesh sheet, placed horizontally across the top of the cylinder. Training takes care of the rest.

In past years, before I built the cage and greenhouses, I would put a tee post near each plant, and tie heavy branches to it with lengths of twine. It worked fine.

another thing I do is wet the plants down, each time I water, which strengthens the individual branches. This helps prevent collapse during rain/wind, late in budding.

The main thing is knowing how large your plants will get, and installing the supports so that the branches will grow through them, before budding starts, but late enough that no more than three feet extends through them.

Hope this helps!