Two questions: mainly on replanting the plant.


Active Member
Ok, so my litttle sprout is in kind of a small pot, and i need to put it in a bigger pot...totally a newb question, sorry, lol do i do it w/o hurting the plant? is it going to kill it if i just gently scoop it out and put it in another pot?

also, my friend said that you can tell the sex of the plant by seed color, if its a dark seed, it will be a girl, if its a light seed, youll get a boy. any one know if this is correct? :weed:


Well-Known Member
light seeds are no good. the darker ones are. and its jsut a 50 50 chance of female unless you buy feminised seeds. as for transplanting. look in the grow faq. tells you all about it. in detail better than anyone could tell you. basically you just want to let the soil dry out for a couple days to get hard. then tip it upside down, stem inbetween your thumb and index finger. and tap the bottom of the pot softly, till the medium breaks loose and it will come out in one big peice if the root mass is big enough. good luck. read the faq...