TWO QUESTIONS; Light Height & Nutrients


New Member
Alright so the ladies are 5 weeks old now and they have been great so far under my 180w led full spectrum. Last few days I've noticed a tiny hole and cut in a fan leaf. The light is about 7 inches over the plants. Is that too low? Also when I add nutes do I just add them mixed in with water and add it as I would regular distiller water? Or do I use precise measurements? I have foxfarm big bloom and tiger bloom. Notice the top looks like it's deteriorating


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Well-Known Member
The light height is determined by several factors. Use the suggested height from the manufacturer if available. Let the plants tell you otherwise, start at 18 inches and adjust as needed, the plants will let you know.

Mix your nutes in the water according to the bottle suggestion and adjust as needed, again the plants will let you know.

The pic is not sufficient to tell anything, at least with my eyes.

The tear and hole could be insect....?