Two Plants One Pot

Hey everyone, im having a bit of an issue. I planted two seeds in the same pot because I figured if one seed was a dud I at least had a better chance of seeing the other sprout. I had been holding onto some good seeds. Well, they both sprouted and im worried the roots of one is going to kill the other. Is there a way to seperate them and salvage them both, or is it possible for them to grow together?2012-01-26_10-34-06_196.jpg


Active Member
I tried it several dozen times. even with fem seeds EVERY TIME one dude one chick. nature's great, ain't it?


Well-Known Member
I tried it several dozen times. even with fem seeds EVERY TIME one dude one chick. nature's great, ain't it?
Yea man I'm very geeky about all this stuff it's very interesting.. it's so fun to be a grown man running a garden of flowers.


Well-Known Member
You need to separate sooner the better and easier I do the same but when I do it
I'll plant two or three in one cup if I have extra sprouted seeds why not but
I don't plant'em right next to each others~
I couldn't see growing them till sexing!

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