Twisted Leaves pics


Well-Known Member
Hi, I hope someone can help.

I had this White Rhino in a DWC system from seed on 18/6 with other seeds but they all died except this one, I think because the water temp was too high. So I transplanted this one into a Waterfarm last week and it hasn't grown hardly any. Its about 4 weeks old now.

The ph is 5.5 - 6.0 and the air temp is about 27. The cf is about 1.5. The waterfarm is on constantly during lights on and 15 mins on 45 mins off during the 6 hour dark cycle. Its under 250w cfl.

The leaves are twisted really weirdly and it seems to have got really bushy but no height.

if you see a few white spots on the leaves that is from the water splashing onto them so i know about that, but ive never seen leaves go weird like this before, but i hope someone else has, and can tell me what the problem is, thanks!!!



Active Member
what nutrients are you using? It could very well be your PH,
especially because you growing in pellets. Those burnt tip and yellowing
look like a N or K deficiency which could be caused by incorrect PH. Maybe a
salt build up? also common with gro-rox.


Well-Known Member
thanks charl, yes i think the leaf burn is something to do with too much nutes - could this also be causing the twisting of the leaves? its not the pH as I've been checking this and its constantly between 5.5 and 6.

oh and i am getting salt buildup on the rocks but i didnt think this was anything to worry about, should i be worried about this? there is also salt buildup on the rockwool cubes.

should i run just water through the system for a day to flush then start again with new nute solution?


Active Member

Just run ph'ed water for a day. If you do it every grow you can do it for one feed cycle. They will recover. Most growers get it off a little. Alot of the times it is over fert.


Well-Known Member
OK thanks. i'm running just water right now.

i tested my tap water and it has an EC of 0.6, is this too high to use in a hydro set-up? It causes me problems as people say to start a small amount of nutes to take it up to 0.5, but my water is already higher than that without doing anything to it!


Well-Known Member
bump - is tap water with an EC of 0.6 OK to use for hydro? does anyone else have tap water with an EC this high? my tap water is full of fruity goodness.....