what naw man? you should be getting 150 lbs a month. so as long as you can get over 200 bucks a lb you'll be fine. as an expert you should know that.I think my 25 years in the cannabis industry, including 5 years in the MMAR. Gives me a pretty good outlook on the whole situation. I'm not judging, just saying that if you have a 250 light operation it's not for anybody's personal medical script. It's a cash crop. You have any idea on how much $$ it cost to run a facility of that size? I do, and have. Have you? Hydro alone will be $10K-$15k a month, nutrients another $2500+, and 3 guys wages(doubt they are working for free) $10k+. So say $25,000+ a month to run the show. Where does that money come from? You need to divert product to the black/grey market to cover costs. Plain and simple...... Care to elaborate on how misguided I am? Let's hear what makes you such an expert.
Their patients would be the LAST one to buy any stock! That is unless we could clear house of all management and change the name. The word "tweed" turns my stomach.It's not too late for tweed to become a huge patient
co-op once the stock crashes and can be bought up for 2cents on the dollar
All their former customers should get first crack at membership since they already endured the LP hardship forced on them by tweed and HC
He didn't step down from either role "by choice". They basically walked him to the end of the plank.Anyone hear about how chucky not only stepped down as CEO but he just recently resigned from the board. Sounds like he's taken the investors money and ran!
Who has fallen? Lots of people have tripped, but I haven't seen anyone fall.the bigger they are??? .......................................... the harder.......
....... that's what Im hearing and seeing Oddish