Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's


Ive been doing a lot of reading on the forums and i think im getting closer 2 what my set up will look like

Im rolling a 1mx1mx2m grow room with
two 125watt 6400k cfls
four 85watt 6400k cfls
four 23watt 6400k cfls
four 23watt 2700k cfls

im just wondering if this is enough light for 4 - 8 plants?
Ya u should b ok. Ditch the 23w 2700 and get some 300 w 2700k big boi cfl s at home depot. I just picked one up for 15 bucks and now I can't even tell if my 4 ft er is on. Lol


Well-Known Member
cool. so is it better to use CFL instead of MH. what are the drawbacks & pro sides to this? thankss
According to experience growers MH/HPS/HID lighting(all the same) is the best lighting you can use for growing, the only problem is the heat it puts out. If you can vent the heat then there awesome to use, its makes a huge difference in the end. Plus theres alot more lumens in 1 HID bulb vs. a CFL bulb, it is gonna be more expensive tho compared to getting CFLs which is another reason to use CFL. Alot of ppl use CFLs because of the low heat it puts out, compared to HID's its nothing, you can use a lot in a small closet space without really having to worry about heat issues and you can put em closer to the plants. CFLS can put out a nice harvest also.



someone told me that i should have 150W for one plant i was wondering what watts i should go by because there are ussually two on the pack


Active Member
That was great info, thank you! Could you please expand our knowledge on what would be the optimal actual wattage of a 6500k?


Active Member
nice tutorial but u forgot to mention that the 23w=100w actually means that the 23 puts out the same light intensity as a 100w but not the same lumen output.

u should ask to see peoples cfl setups,to compare and see there innovations. sry for jackin but just tryin to help out,ive been usin cfls for a few years now with no probs.

heres my set up...1 125w 6500k,4 42 3500k,total of 22,800 lumens at 293w,i had to take down the batwing reflector to help ventilate the heat out,since it has a fan site on top.

id like to join the cfl crew,cus if u know how to use cfls u can pull great yeilds,it takes skill and innovation to use cfls,hids are hot as hell and you need to keep them 2-4ft away from the plants,this can cause strechage to the maxxx

hey wacky,, so when you use CFL how far do you keep them when you start flowering and then how much do you much them daily or how can i get my Max yield??


I am using both day cfls as well as warm white will there be a problem later when I bud because i am using both instead of just warm when I bud?