Turning Purple??


What's up Riu
I've got some bagseed on the go..
Flowering roughly 7-10 days..
Overnight the tops have started turning purple..is this due to the cold or genetics? (I'm in UK)
I've never had purple bud so doubt it the genetics..
Anyway here's some pics.
Any idea on strain? Indica or satvia dom..? All help appreciated



Active Member
what's up man,looks like the cold,But your girls look right on point.The leaves look more sativa then anything.


what's up man,looks like the cold,But your girls look right on point.The leaves look more sativa then anything.
I thought the cold.. Temps are about 12 degrees c at night..
I've only got the 1 on the go.. No idea when it flowered exactly so I'm guessing it's somewhere between 7-10 days. I was checking everyday and not seeing any improvement ( old saying comes to mind.. A watch kettle never boils) hahaha but it's deffo under 14 days.
And satvia.. Cool man. :D


Active Member
I highly recomend useing mollases as a finishing supplement Put a table spoon in a little hot water and stir the fuck outs it then put that in a gallon of water and water away(1tble spoon for 1 plant.ect.)


Mollases.. am I correct in thinking that it's black treacle / syrup.? How regular should it be used? Last few weeks? Or start now and do it once a week?


Active Member
I Give mine mollases every time I water.Just mix it with your normal nutes when you feed them.The mollases packs on the trichs on the plant and makes your product have a nice sweet smell.I recomend useing Grandmas brand mollases.


Active Member
I Give mine mollases every time I water.Just mix it with your normal nutes when you feed them.The mollases packs on the trichs on the plant and makes your product have a nice sweet smell.I recomend useing Grandmas brand mollases.
Would using molasses as well as the flowering nutes I'm using require a longer flush? And would you say it's worth the effort? Thanks mate!


Dude my lady hasnt had any nutes..just a couple feedings early on in veg.. Since then nothing. Which is why I think the late flowering too..

But I've gone out and picked up some molasses, will give to her early tomorrow.


Active Member
Make sure its unsulphated mollases.(Means no salt)And your doing fine and keep ducking your guys dumb weed laws over there:\.Good Luck from California!


Filled her up with some molasses think made a little improvement. However my leaves and now starting to curl.. Each leaf blade if curling upward so forming lile a taco shape. Any ideas what that is?


I've read a few forums of possible causes,
1, heat stress.. It's outside and temps are normal cloudy weather. So I doubt its that.
2, overwatering, I water maybe 2-3 times a week, and very little rain so again I doubt its this, likewise with under watering..
3, which is what I'm possibly thinking is n-tox.. is this a possibility? although I only gave nutes during veg and hasn't had any for 2weeks..

Or is this just a normal thing and I'm worrying over nothing..


Active Member
I've read a few forums of possible causes,
1, heat stress.. It's outside and temps are normal cloudy weather. So I doubt its that.
2, overwatering, I water maybe 2-3 times a week, and very little rain so again I doubt its this, likewise with under watering..
3, which is what I'm possibly thinking is n-tox.. is this a possibility? although I only gave nutes during veg and hasn't had any for 2weeks..

Or is this just a normal thing and I'm worrying over nothing..
I think they look fine mate, it's hard not to overthink about things especially this time of year but keep a close eye on em an wait an see, good luck!


Active Member
I've read a few forums of possible causes,
1, heat stress.. It's outside and temps are normal cloudy weather. So I doubt its that.
2, overwatering, I water maybe 2-3 times a week, and very little rain so again I doubt its this, likewise with under watering..
3, which is what I'm possibly thinking is n-tox.. is this a possibility? although I only gave nutes during veg and hasn't had any for 2weeks..

Or is this just a normal thing and I'm worrying over nothing..
Had at look at mine yesterday have exact same thing am not too worried as if that comes through on the bud I'm a happy girly