tucson cops harrasment


Well-Known Member
so its true! someone other than me was contacted to get meds by donation by an undercover cop. Then they were arrested, even though they had a mmj card for feloney sales. then they obtained a warrant and search their house even though the transaction wasnt at or near the house and took everything! their facing four felonies for sales, possession, paraphernalia and manufacture of marijuana even though they have a Arizona medical marijuana card. does the card mean anything? how do we stay legal or can we?


Active Member

The crackdown could explain the lack of ads and response to my recent effort to get four more clones for ny frow tent...


I always hear about these stories. But its always a friend of a friend or some shit. Its almost hard to believe especially when there's Reggie consistently on CL. At the same time from what I understand is it's still illegal to accept "Donations" for your MJ. In fact, that's probably the reason why no one has that type of model at these farmers markets. Its always through raffle tickets and the purchase of other products which in turn you receive FREE marijuana with no compensation for the product in return.

In closing; I believe that if these people truly are getting set up with stings and warrants, its because of the wordings used for such transaction. If your giving away marijuana there's nothing illegal about that, as well as stay under your possession limit. If you have more than 2 1/2 in possession as a patient you are illegal. Especially if they can prove you have possessed obtained more than 2 1/2 in a 14 day period. If your accepting donations as a patient for your time that's illegal. All marijuana has to be completely FREE for P2P.


Well-Known Member
Patients may not receive anything of value in return for medicine. Only caregivers (and I would go so far as to define caregiver as ones designated and approved through az dhs) can receive reimbursement for costs incurred in the production or delivery of the medicine excluding costs associated with labor or time spent.

This is the law and some jurisdictions are enforcing it. Furthermore once you violate certain terms of the amma, you are no longer afforded any protection from you card. If you get caught violating the above law they can go after your whole grow which is now related to criminal activity. The bottoms line is try and stay within your established circle of patients and caregivers to get rid of excess medicine and if you are on the acquiring end try going to farmers markets or visiting compassion clubs within your area. Be safe and use your head. And if you get into hot water SHUT YOUR MOUTH and call a lawyer.


Well-Known Member
Patients may not receive anything of value in return for medicine. Only caregivers (and I would go so far as to define caregiver as ones designated and approved through az dhs) can receive reimbursement for costs incurred in the production or delivery of the medicine excluding costs associated with labor or time spent.

This is the law and some jurisdictions are enforcing it. Furthermore once you violate certain terms of the amma, you are no longer afforded any protection from you card. If you get caught violating the above law they can go after your whole grow which is now related to criminal activity. The bottoms line is try and stay within your established circle of patients and caregivers to get rid of excess medicine and if you are on the acquiring end try going to farmers markets or visiting compassion clubs within your area. Be safe and use your head. And if you get into hot water SHUT YOUR MOUTH and call a lawyer.

^^^ Truth.............


Only caregivers (and I would go so far as to define caregiver as ones designated and approved through az dhs) can receive reimbursement for costs incurred in the production or delivery of the medicine excluding costs associated with labor or time spent.

As a Caregiver and from my understanding, I can only accept reimbursement from my own designated patients. Any other activity is designated under P2P which is not protected.

People just need to carry around raffle tickets with their Meds and start selling tickets instead of asking for donations. Haha


Active Member
Bottom line is: the cops need arrests and pot is easy for them...let the courts sort it out is the view i'm hearing from cops
- Grab a business card for an attorney at the Farmers market, on the back is a list of what do and say with cops
- Shut the fuck up about your grow. Bragging with info or pics to anyone gets around quick in our modern instant info age
- If you have to network with new patients...watch your wording...the medicine is FREE, but typical donations to pay for power, nutes and other expenses is....
- Label your product. Look over the requirements on the dept. of health site and make up warning stickers and other info on your medicines.
(i even make another label that has the patient number and my caregiver number on the label)
- Get testimonies from your patients. I've saved and printed out emails from my patients on the medical uses that my product does for them.

You can do everything possible to stay legal and still get arrested, it's the nature of police that have been busting marijuana for years. Be prepared to protect your innocence with paperwork and a good mmj attorney.


Active Member
so its true! someone other than me was contacted to get meds by donation by an undercover cop. Then they were arrested, even though they had a mmj card for feloney sales. then they obtained a warrant and search their house even though the transaction wasnt at or near the house and took everything! their facing four felonies for sales, possession, paraphernalia and manufacture of marijuana even though they have a Arizona medical marijuana card. does the card mean anything? how do we stay legal or can we?
Very simply put - Illegal to exchange money for medicine; with the exception of caregiver to their patient linked thru the AzDHS! This includes donations!


Well-Known Member
A couple of question, if u commit an act that violates the rules is your card automatically revoked and you dont retain any protection under the card holding laws?
Also doesnt the law state that the card can not be grounds for probable cause for a search warrant?


Well-Known Member
A couple of question, if u commit an act that violates the rules is your card automatically revoked and you dont retain any protection under the card holding laws?
Also doesnt the law state that the card can not be grounds for probable cause for a search warrant?
The card can not be used as probable cause. For your other questions the answer is it depends upon the violation. Most of the rules stipulate the penalty for violating them. For example if you go over your plant limits then your card offers you no protection and house could be charged criminally for everything including the 12 plant your are authorized as a patient. But if say you don't submit a change in address within 10 business days, your cardnstill covers you if you are caught and the penalty is only a 150$ fine.


Well-Known Member
It won't explicitly say this but since you have a card and are legally allowed to possess cannabis, the smell of cannabis would not be cause to think you are doing anything illegal. This becomes complicated when pulled over in your vehicle because of Dui charges. It is similar to smelling like alcohol.


Active Member
It won't explicitly say this but since you have a card and are legally allowed to possess cannabis, the smell of cannabis would not be cause to think you are doing anything illegal. This becomes complicated when pulled over in your vehicle because of Dui charges. It is similar to smelling like alcohol.

What about the cop who wants to search your car because they smell MJ?

Their presumption of a crime (dui) being committed through smell of MJ will flop in court! If fought! Alcohol must be sealed(LAW); marijuana comes in a loose bag - no restrictions (laws) on MJ packaging in a motor vehicle only on the use while operating motor vehicle! I will take the 1 year suspension of my licence before I self incriminate myself! I would fight it til there was no fight left in me! Folks need to flex their chest and stop allowing their rights to be walked on!

When does a nose determine the difference between an ounce of MJ and a pound of MJ?

They are not searching my shit! PERIOD!

Do they count your prescription pills when pulled over?

LEO need to respect the laws and not play Mr.Selective Law!


Well-Known Member
If they smell marijuana on you they can hassle you and have grounds for a search of your body ie blood or urine test to search for metabolites. Then they can charge you with a marijuana dui not based on metabolites but based upon both metabolites and what is refered to as "impaired to the slightest degree." This is how they are maintaining dui convictions and arrests for mmj patients. There are two types of mj duis in this state and your card only covers you from one of them. There was a presentation for the az state bar assn. briefing lawyers o. This enforcement and prosecution tactic being used by law enforcement.

For the precise reason that smell can not determine quantities, this give the officer argument for probable cause in order to confirm that the patient was in compliance. This is still a grey area and has not had precedent set in any case rulings.

And on another matter if you are pulled over and do seem impaired and you have prescription medication, the police officer does have probable cause to check to make sure the prescription is in your name and the pills in the bottle match the prescription desciption on the bottle.