Trying To Make A Growbox Around This.


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i'm trying to make a growbox to fit around this light New Wave 96W 65K/3K 8000 2FT-4 Lamp T5 Fluorescent Grow Light - Plantlighting it puts off 8,000 lumens and is low wattage, I will also be adding 9 more cfl's 42watts 3 on left side 3 on right side 3 lined up on the back wall of the box for side lighting was my idea, but this post was to see what the advanced growbox growers thought I could do with these lights/ideas so far. what size box should I use, should I buy one from Home Depot or make one with plywood and how would I set up the T5 in one and attach the cfls to the walls? I will only do 2-3 plants in the box and plan on 3 gallon pots I still don't know about vents I dont want to use pc fans any ideas? with what I have said what do you advanced growers think I should do with these plans so far? Thank you.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
a dresser might work out nicely. maybe even a small cabinet from lowes or something. or if your willing do like you said and build your own i wouldnt do it out of plywood because that looks a little suspicious i would do it with 3/4 inch particle board from lowes. also for something like this since it wont generate an excessive amount of heat then i would use just pc fans. i have used strictly pc fans and a hanging circulator fan for my last grow and that was with a 400 watt hps and still didnt have that many problems with heat. Besides they are quiet they dont draw much wattage or amperage and they are easy to hook up if you can get a 12 volt power supply or atleast 9 volts (one from an old cordless phone or just spend 15 to 20 bux and buy one from radioshack). O and personally i would do just 2 plants if you are using cfls mostly because the more plants you have the more light u need. the only bad thing about just doing 2 plants is that your chances of males or hermies are increased dramatically. hope this helps or atleast gives u some ideas to think about.