Trying to bud, help


Well-Known Member

For the last 2 months i have been growing my first marijuana crop of 3 plants
I started them inside about 2 1/2 months ago and grew them to their 4th set of leaves before setting them up outside.

Now They are doing fairly well, i know that my setup is not superb but its already been 2 1/2 months and they are not even budding yet, they are getting bigger but when will they bud and with only 2 months left to grow, will i have enough time

later i will upload pictures


Well-Known Member
Depending on the strain you may have to force flowering outside. You can use black plastic to cover them 12 hours every day.


Well-Known Member
2 months left to grow...why ??...??? I'm up north and have had plants outside in December..
Outside it takes time..1 of mine full of flowers & 5 others none..some are 4 ft takes what it takes... you can force but've got this far...get the max.