Trumps pick for Attorney General wants harsher sentences for marijuana


Well-Known Member

must be a nice privilege to be able to afford a protest vote knowing that it won't get you deported or your marriage annulled.
no it's a nice privilege following my gut and voting for who i felt was right even if my vote didn't add to anything.

i don't care about who's married to who if they make you happy go for it and deportation if your just trying to better your life and family's life through honest hardworking means then you shouldn't be fucked with. that's my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
No matter what happends will all still be smoking who gives a fuck about it someone said above I doubt our greedy government will ban a proven money maker .....especially knowing if they ban it they will have to have a budget $$$ to enforce the ban ......they'd rather make money than spend it IMO....even if they did ban it ....price just went up for people who sell who aren't recognized federally as it is now .....really no diff on a federal level


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Speaking of "giving a shit", maaaannn, I guess I can say that I've been alive long enough to have played both of these roles....

Lester: "When I was your age I flipped burgers all summer just to buy an 8-track."
Ricky: "That sucks."
Lester: "No, actually it was great. All I did was party and get laid, I had my whole life ahead of me."



Well-Known Member
So your here trying to guess what Donald's up to ,and defending it?
What's your point then, libtard?
my point is don't buy into shit without doing your own research and see how you assumed who i voted for without even reading im going to just assume your one of those that just follow along with the media and whats told to you.


Well-Known Member
did you not read my entire post? i didn't vote for trump or hillary.
my point is don't buy into shit without doing your own research and see how you assumed who i voted for without even reading im going to just assume your one of those that just follow along with the media and whats told to you.
your just upset i didn't chose killary over a 3rd party. 3rd party looked way better then either one.
  1. a stupid person.
    synonyms: fool, idiot, ass, blockhead, dunce, dolt, ignoramus, imbecile, cretin, dullard, simpleton,clod; More


Well-Known Member
Why is there so much fucking hate on here

Ask me what i think about Gays there Queer retarded , and something seriously screwed up
Now Buck i really do not care if you lick balls and suck Dick , what ever suits your style
And for the record i don't give a fuck about them

Immigrants were all immigrants, unless were native American ( Indian ) .In which there are only a few left . us immigrants killed them off by the millions.

Ask me about illegal Immigrants and i will say the same fucking thing . There here illegally and are a burden to every legal citizen
I give a fuck that they cam here for that better life thing?.
But instead of coming here like our fore fathers did, by the book. There is due process and proper ways

maybe you should figure out the difference between illegal immigrants and immigrants, There to different things

Now Go suck some Dick You knob jockey
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