Trouble in paradise -first grow-


Well-Known Member
great work man! My AG crop is about the same age as yours(link in sig)...

I will say that it seems your lights may be a LITTLE bit too close to the plants...see how the tips of the leaves are curling? That's from the heat, as far as I know...
If you can move em a couple inches farther away, it should work a bit better :)


great work man! My AG crop is about the same age as yours(link in sig)...

I will say that it seems your lights may be a LITTLE bit too close to the plants...see how the tips of the leaves are curling? That's from the heat, as far as I know...
If you can move em a couple inches farther away, it should work a bit better :)

word time to fix that


Well-Known Member
well, it's not so much a problem , as it is a difference between growing Tomatoes/Parsley/whatever and Ganja

Mary and Jane like to have big roots...tons of growth, get super-huge. The AG, however, is designed for household plants, which won't EVER get as big as a 5-foot Haze plant

By function, the AG Water Pump pulls water in, then deposits it on top of the grow-sponges. Unfortunately, its effect also pulls in ROOTS, which causes problems down the line. Tomato and Basil roots are nowhere near as big as MJ roots...

plus, the pump keeps the sponges wet, which can lead to mold/bacteria growth. Same reason why dish sponges get nasty after a while, all that water/crap left in there soaks into the fibers, and leads to unwanted growths


Well-Known Member
well, it's not so much a problem , as it is a difference between growing Tomatoes/Parsley/whatever and Ganja

Mary and Jane like to have big roots...tons of growth, get super-huge. The AG, however, is designed for household plants, which won't EVER get as big as a 5-foot Haze plant

By function, the AG Water Pump pulls water in, then deposits it on top of the grow-sponges. Unfortunately, its effect also pulls in ROOTS, which causes problems down the line. Tomato and Basil roots are nowhere near as big as MJ roots...

plus, the pump keeps the sponges wet, which can lead to mold/bacteria growth. Same reason why dish sponges get nasty after a while, all that water/crap left in there soaks into the fibers, and leads to unwanted growths
True that, I have first hand experience.


so when changing the rez water , should the rez be cleaned out and if so whats the best way to do so ?

cause im getting some yellowing on some of my leaves i assume my ph is off but i still haven't managed to get that tester yet , well have to change that tomorrow but yea thats all there is to report at the moment.


Well-Known Member
when you change the reservoir water, just siphon it out. I actually asked the exact question, here's the link to the thread:

The short version:

1) stick airtube hose/line into reservoir
2) get a big 2L bottle, gallon jug, etc
3) place the bottle/jug at a LOWER height than the rez
4) pull slightly on the open end of the airtube, then quickly put into bottle/jug
5) when done, refill rez as usual :)


Well-Known Member
I always pull mine out every other week and give the res a good scrubbing. If you don't scrub it, the walls of your res will build up salts and minerals. This can cause your pH to fluctuate and promote unwanted growth if you leave it long enough.


hmmm now that means i got a problem because the way my roots have grown , they are wrapped around one of the bars that go across the res and it doesn't seem possible to take the top off with out ripping them .

any ideas cause this could defiantly become a problem. oh and a friend of mine as been trying to tell me that turning off the extra light earlier then the ag lights will promote more grown causes its like mimicking the sun going up and coming down.

i dont really see the purpose of it but is there any chance of that being true or should i just keep all my lights on during the day cycle of my plants ,


Well-Known Member
1) those AG rez bars are the stupidest thing ever...they don't even DO anything! Just snap the fuckers off, and you'll be good to go.... But as you say the roots are wrapped around it, how badly? You may be able to just trim/snip a tiny bit of root...

2) dunno about what your buddy's saying, but the less you screw with the lights, the better. If they work, and the plant grows...let it go, especially on your first grow :)


1) those AG rez bars are the stupidest thing ever...they don't even DO anything! Just snap the fuckers off, and you'll be good to go.... But as you say the roots are wrapped around it, how badly? You may be able to just trim/snip a tiny bit of root...

2) dunno about what your buddy's saying, but the less you screw with the lights, the better. If they work, and the plant grows...let it go, especially on your first grow :)

understood homie

i can only imagine how'd screwed i'd be without the help of this forum good looking out son son
(pictures coming today )

Stay faded people- cause i know i will


pictures and updates:

well changed out the res giving it a good cleaning during the process the top of the plant got alittle bent , im hoping things are still coo.

Removed them dumb ass bars so now taking the AG top off is not a prob at all .

Also noticed some yellowing near the bottom leave but i assume that came from me having never really washing out the res so we shall see whats good .

still broke so the ph tester still M.I.A untill i get the change to scoop one

heres some pics



Well-Known Member
What's up man?

Sounds good on the cleaning. Don't worry about the top being bent, it'll move itself back and it'll be just that much stronger to hold your buds.:mrgreen:

I don't even know what happened to my bars, I took them out when I opened the box, hahaha!

The yellowing looks like a deficiency, but I'm not sure. Take a look at the plant problems forum and see if you can't find an answer there. Don't make any quick decisions though, make sure before you act.

Since your pH meter is broken, that could also be causing the problem with your yellowing. Might need to find something soon so you can make sure you've got that under control.

Pics look good man, keep it up.

Talk to ya later.



Sorry for the last update , but yea the ph was the problem causing the yellowing
and i needed to clean the rez hich is why i assume the leaves were curling and browing at the tips .

so yea i grapped a ph tester kit , so now everything is pretty stable , the rez was cleaned and wiped down and also another air stone has been bought.

Because i assume the one plate was growing better because the air stone was right under it . both air stones have there own pump and are six inches .

Roots looking healthy and the yellowing is pretty much disappearing .

now comes the tasking of giving this still growing baby enought light and eventually getting some nutes beyond the AG nutes .
im thinking foxfarm cause thats what i see most people getting down with , and as far as lights its gonna have to be clf lights cause the other type of lights hid ( think thats what they called , but you guys get the point) just aint gonna happen on my budget right now . that and i dont have the space or know how to work with that YET!!

ill hit you guys with some pictures later , right now im thinking of making a grow box , just gotta find the right place .


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the last update , but yea the ph was the problem causing the yellowing
and i needed to clean the rez hich is why i assume the leaves were curling and browing at the tips .

so yea i grapped a ph tester kit , so now everything is pretty stable , the rez was cleaned and wiped down and also another air stone has been bought.

Because i assume the one plate was growing better because the air stone was right under it . both air stones have there own pump and are six inches .

Roots looking healthy and the yellowing is pretty much disappearing .

now comes the tasking of giving this still growing baby enought light and eventually getting some nutes beyond the AG nutes .
im thinking foxfarm cause thats what i see most people getting down with , and as far as lights its gonna have to be clf lights cause the other type of lights hid ( think thats what they called , but you guys get the point) just aint gonna happen on my budget right now . that and i dont have the space or know how to work with that YET!!

ill hit you guys with some pictures later , right now im thinking of making a grow box , just gotta find the right place .
Good work, I'm glad you got it figured out.

Any nutrient brand will work just fine. Purp, Howak, Kat, and whoever else I can't remember right now along with me are using GH. I know a few people that are using foxfarms. Basically, all results are similar.

If space and money are an issue, check this out...

This is a 150w HPS. Not much heat, decent amount of power, only 70 bucks, plus shipping.

If you can't do that, then it'll be ok. But if you can, it'll be a whole another world of good.


Good work, I'm glad you got it figured out.

Any nutrient brand will work just fine. Purp, Howak, Kat, and whoever else I can't remember right now along with me are using GH. I know a few people that are using foxfarms. Basically, all results are similar.

If space and money are an issue, check this out...

This is a 150w HPS. Not much heat, decent amount of power, only 70 bucks, plus shipping.

If you can't do that, then it'll be ok. But if you can, it'll be a whole another world of good.

fucking right on gonna hop on that ill just take the AG hood off an hang in on one side keep all the clfs on another side and have that som bitch hanging from the top

gangsta good looking out good lookign out dude


what is the pokemon card for? jw
well every time i flip a coin it lets my buds power up by like 50 percent , then they can attack with there special attack "cannabis crush "

naw i just use it to cover a hole that is already covered just to make sure. i got tape on the other side of it to keep it in place