Tropical Storm Fay; worry about rains + winds?


Well-Known Member
So Fay is all around me right now. 20-40ish mph winds, 8+ inches of rain... She definitely is not accustomed to getting this much water over a 24hr period, and these winds might be ripping at the LST sites, tearing her apart.

She's tied down in three places to make her bend in more of a '-, shape than I , and those strings are tied to the chickenwire fence around the if the chickenwire blows away (unlikely, but still a scary thought), it could rip her to pieces.

I dont bring water out to her, I just let the rain take care of that. Once per week, or so, I give her some bone meal tea + fish emulsion & molassas & epsom salt solution, so besides the weekly rains, this is all that she normally gets. Could two days of non-stop raining induce root rot or would it be more like flushing the soil?

Should I be more worried about the Winds or the Rains?