Trippy Music

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Listen to Music and Loose yourself in Control ..... as nothing in Overwhelming !
IF You Prepare !!


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member

.............................m.....Tell me more about this picture ... !!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
NOp ...

Hint ... Taken in Paris.



Thanks for playing !!


Well-Known Member
This photograph of Boulevard du Temple in Paris was made in 1838 by Louis Daguerre, the brilliant guy that invented the daguerreotype process of photography. Aside from its distinction of being a super early photograph, it’s also the first photograph to ever include a human being. Because the image required an exposure time of over ten minutes, all the people, carriages, and other moving things disappear from the scene. However, in the bottom left hand corner is a man who just so happened to stay somewhat still during the shot — he was having his shoes shined.


Well-Known Member
No I just searched paris boulevard on google images. I admit that I didn't know ahead of time.
But I did notice there are more people in the photo on my own. The boy peeking out of the window across the street is pretty obvious, among others.

This is an important image as well:

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nice Image !!
But isn't a pipe !


You need to do better !

THis a pipe !



Well-Known Member
This is a cool song, but the tit's in this video make it irresistable.
(Hey, I'm only human...)



Well-Known Member
It was worth it wasn't it crypt?
Sorry no tits in these though, can't win them all..

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey Warrior ... That is a very Naughty Tree.
At least .... that is how they use it !




Well-Known Member
Tunes 4 mid-Morning Adventurez:....

Strap in the earBudz.. Grab a cart..Let's go shopping ;)

heir proctor

New Member
OK, so this isn't what you guys would consider standard tripping music, but it blew my mind when I first heard it a while back on L and variety is usually good. This band, Tera Melos, is nothing short of amazing. All these guys have PhD's in music and it shows. Their music sounds better and better with each listen. Math Rock!!
