Tripping For My First Time.


Active Member
Well, my pot dealer of 6 months just picked up some acid. Ive wanted to try acid for a loong time and i know im ready mentally. Im pretty positive he has good acid, because tbh hes more of my friend than dealer at this point. One of those guys who matches u a bowl and chills with u after u buy a bag off him. He always has bomb weed, scales it out in front of me, gives me discounts, etc. etc. So he says he has sugar cubes, ten bucks a cube. Hes throwing a party tomorrow night at his house, the plan is for me to take a cube at 3 pmish. At night wer partying on a beach with a bonfire, listening to happy music. So i think im okay for set and setting. Im crashing at his place that night, and a trusted friend is going to "babysit" me. 1)If i have a single, regular strength dose, will that get me tripping? I only ask because ive heard u need to take a higher dose the first time around. 2)Im also going to be smoking weed periodically from beginning to peak to comedown. Will that enhance the trip? 3) Should i take one more cube if it doesnt kick in within like 1 1/2 hour? Rep to a good answer :D

P.s. everything i just said is hypothetical. I have no intention to purchase any illicit substances :)


Well-Known Member
Word of advice DO NOT TRIP AT A PARTY if its your first time.

there will be simply way too much going on and if you run into duchebags they could give you bad vibes and you'll start haten your trip.


Active Member
I had some weak acid a few weeks back. My first time, I only tried half of a blotter. It took an hour an a half for the numbness to start kicking in, but it never progressed from there, except for some very slight closed eye visuals.

My roommmate tried 1 blotter a few nights later, and said that he did trip, but it didn't sound like the most intense experience...

A few weeks later, I popped 1.5 blotters (3x the amount i originally tried) and the same numbness i experienced the first time kicked in in 20 minutes. At 1 hour into it, i decided to take another blotter, just to make sure that I would trip, and not get stuck in that numb state for hours and hours.

Start with one hit, wait an hour and a half, then add half a hit at a time. You can never undo any acid that you've ingested, but you can always add to it.

I would rather have a weak acid experience for my first time than to have an overwhelming experience which may scare you away from trying acid again in the future.

My policy is to always have enough of a substance to figure out how much I need as a dose, but not all are that fortunate, or compulsive as I am!

P.S- unlike shrooms, i found smoking intensifies the trip, much like it makes me roll harder on ecstasy.


Active Member
Ryantherhino-its a small 10-15 person party and i know everybody whos going. And np88-thanks, ill kepp that all in mind
Rep for all!


Active Member
Have you tripped on anything before, kricket?

If so, then you know how a substance can take your mind in basically any direction. Try and stay positive.

Also, a party should be fine. Bring some glow sticks and brightly colored things to play with. You may look weird doing this at a party, but hey, you're gonna be acting weird if you're on acid anyway!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Dude well i dont know about you but smoking on shrooms is a must for me.

every time i trip on shrooms

1. Take a vitamin b12 3000% daily recommended
2. an energy drink
3. eat the shrooms
4. drink a 6-pack before they kick in
5. smoke bud ven you feel em

And you will be ripped , best trip you will ever have. I find that the beer makes bad trips impossible because i keeps you from getting into a deep thinking state<< thats where stuff goes wrong if you have demon in your past


Active Member
It is an acid party. Everybodys going to be tripping escept for my sitter. And ive never tripped before but ive done snorted molly if that counts for anything. And ive been researching acid for a while and i know what its capable of.


Well-Known Member
If you know them well i guess, but be warned that acid overload your senses. more people means more different conversations and u will be able to hear them all at the same time, where normally u just toon out people your not talking to.

and tripping with somebody make that shit so much better.. have you done shrooms before?


Active Member
1) if you take the regular dose then you'll be good especally for a 1st time you dont want your trip being to intence and catching you off guard and it goes bad 2) weed youll defently want on the comedown cause when you first take'em you'll they probly wont kick in for an 1 1/2 hours usually so ya smoke up after you pop'em and wait a bit cause when you peak you wont even feel the weed anymore at all 3) just take the whole regular dose and drink water now and then just to keep hydrated iam sure if the regular dose you take gets you trippin then you wont have to go over and also dont sit there and try to antisipate when there gona kick in the longer you think about it the longer it will take.

btw the cubes are like a lower form of acid so there less potent so thats why you take the average amount you dont want to go over especaly for a first time ive done average amounts of acid bloters and ive had amazing trips. have fun and remember its just a drug


Well-Known Member
word well youll be happy to hear that its much more rare for a acid trip to turn bad vs shroom trip. weird right. on acid you will be happy and giggly and just plain up goofy hahahah have a fun trip.


Weed Modifier
first time...just take one cube...wait about 2hrs then if you don't feel it ...only take one should be ok ,you sound like you have a level head! til you start feeling

no need to smoke either while on it...least for me the cube is all you'll need!


Active Member
Even though I've had friends describe acid tripping throughout the years, none of their experiences captured the true experience. It's something that must be experienced first hand to truly make sense of other people's trip reports.

I wanna go to an acid party!


Well-Known Member
cubes have less in them because they drip the drug on to it. if you get the paper hits they completely soaked in it so its a little stronger. thats the main difference. There is liquid too but i never came across that yet. but i heard you could put a drop of the liquid stuff on the inside of you elbow. i dont know what to call it. you know the soft skin opposite of your elbow that junkies use to shoot up. and you will absorb it thru you skin and trip that way.


Well-Known Member
One should be enough for a first time.. if you like it then bump up the dosage next trip.
Beach + Bonfire + Music + LSD = Good times :)

but.. if there is any drama among other people don't let there mood bother yours, have fun and enjoy!