Tripping Benadryl


Active Member
i used to take 7 50mg pills at a time back in school, i have had some fun times on it but also so bad. you CANT decipher between what is fake and what is reality. I freaked out once and havent done it since. i wouldnt advise it.


Well-Known Member
me and my friends used to robotrip, and take triple c's and Dramamine all the time. I take benadryl for my allergies. When I was a teenager with no cash we would clean house at the local walgreens steal so many over the counter drugs.


Well-Known Member
i used to take 7 50mg pills at a time back in school, i have had some fun times on it but also so bad. you CANT decipher between what is fake and what is reality. I freaked out once and havent done it since. i wouldnt advise it.
Ahahaha. I used to do that too. I remember in my Spanish class, I had to sit on the floor. The teacher asked why I was, and the kids told her "he is scared of his desk". She said "Oh. Well, just leave him there". :mrgreen:

Anyone doing tripple C's...oh christ. Stop now. :spew:


Too many brownies
do you guys realize what this shit does to your liver and kidneys.....


It talks about the other chemicals in this shit your taking!

Erowid DXM Vault : Complete Guide to DXM in Non-Prescription Drugs

Triple C's are terrible for you because of the other ingredients. You can get high from DXM, it won't kill you. But what will kill you is the rest of the shit in the Cough Medicine. It will shut down your liver and you will die. So I would not recommend taking that shit unless you know the kind that is pure and won't fuck your liver up and kill you. Very painful death too...

Triple c's contain Chlorpheniramine Maleate and DXM

High doses of Chlorpheniramine Maleate seizures, shortness in breath, loss of consciencness and external bleeding. It also places a huuuge strain on your heart, liver, and kidneys.

if your gonna trip on DXM find a cough med with DXM as the ONLY active ingredient
This is SOOOO important. Almost all cough medications have DXM in them, but they also have other active ingredients that will completely fuck with you.


Too many brownies
The only product ive ever found in the US that has DXM as the only active ingredient is Robituson cough suppresant NOT ROBITUSON COUGH AND COLD OR ANY OTHER PRODUCT.

Please listen to me guys I know what im talking about. :peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Someone, with the appropriate power...should make a sticky thread about C's. I remember when a bunch of kids in my school were doing them. I kept telling them that shit was gonna kill them.

Its sad, because they should get to have the experience, but...they are all so under educated on how to go about doing it. Thats why health class is shit. It teaches kids all these neat facts about drugs, and doesn't define which ones do what. When the teacher says "kids are getting high on tripple c's, and marijuana", the kids who smoke think "she thinks marijuana is bad, c's must be great too!".



Too many brownies
Someone, with the appropriate power...should make a sticky thread about C's. I remember when a bunch of kids in my school were doing them. I kept telling them that shit was gonna kill them.

Its sad, because they should get to have the experience, but...they are all so under educated on how to go about doing it. Thats why health class is shit. It teaches kids all these neat facts about drugs, and doesn't define which ones do what. When the teacher says "kids are getting high on tripple c's, and marijuana", the kids who smoke think "she thinks marijuana is bad, c's must be great too!".

I agree man...I agree

Sclerosis of the liver is nothing to joke about...even if these kids arent dead right now wait until they are 50 or maybe closer to 60.....


Well-Known Member
I think there are worse drugs on your liver out there, but I agree that drinking caugh syrup to get high is kind of gutter.:spew:


Well-Known Member
yea diphenhydramine fucks you up pretty bad. like danieljk91 sed its hard to know whats real and whats not. its wierd you could talk to people and reallly think there there but in reality there not. shadows are kinda freaky too btw.i heard that datura is similar in experience to it but ive never fucked wit that.


Well-Known Member
datura is pretty much the same thing jjust doses tend to be alot different with datura then a measured amount of lets say dimenhydrinate eating plant matter you dont really know how potent it is! Its best in my humble opinion to leave deliriants ALONE they open doors that are best left closed and LOCKED im sure there is nothing I can say that will keep people from using these substances but there will come a time where you will WISH you would have stayed away from deliriants. I have never gained any insight or anything usefull only thing I gained was a knowledge of what a paranoid schizo feels like. For reall if you wanna trip go out and make some DMT its gonna have alot more for you in the long run but thats just my opinion PEACE LOVE AND LIGHT!