trip report in the making


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
How strong were the visuals on 1? What were the visuals like? ive never done high quality lsd.
I mean we are going to the state park and all, and I want it to be a killer time. im trying to decide between 1 and 1 and a half. I prefer to drop once, because of time but if I want more I will take it.


Well-Known Member
Lets just paint a little scenario. The last batch Whoa-ed many on just one.... well, this is a new batch and its even stronger! So do the math ;)


Well-Known Member
So how are you going to assess your trip report? Are you going to take notes or ride out the whole experience... and narrate it from subjective experience?


Well-Known Member
So how are you going to assess your trip report? Are you going to take notes or ride out the whole experience... and narrate it from subjective experience?

I will prolly write thing that I "need" to remember during the peak, then when im coming down ill write an overall report. btw fluffs not here today so I gotta wait it out till sunday.


Active Member
Might as well carry on with this thread, how long isit before your gonna take these badboys?


Active Member
Oh sweet, thats handy. Yeah first trips are important to be honest... mine was a cracker :D


Well-Known Member
Oh sweet, thats handy. Yeah first trips are important to be honest... mine was a cracker :D
Yeah it would be cool if I could dose with him in the future, and if the first one goes bad hes not the type of person that would try again.


Well-Known Member
Been on the hunt for good lsd since I was 15 (im 21 now) only didnt get ripped off twice, the first time was decent 2 hits gave me a taste of what its all about but was weaker than what I had pictured for sure. Bought it from a modern day hippie and he said it was strong and his buddy was goin hard off one. I was a skinny 16 year old so he prolly thought he could get it by me. (guess hes not a hippy afterall?) Second time I did one and it was weaker than the first time! When I got the hook up on white fluff I feel as though the next year will certainly be the best year of my life.


Active Member
yeah im only 18 now... and have found some pretty good stuff within the 4 years of trippin, been well lucky with it :P