Trip Report and Question


Well-Known Member
This is a report of my experience of with a alot of drugs, at least in my experience a lot of drugs. I am an experienced tripper with a myriad of different substances.

Set and Setting: This setting is my home in the company of my tolerant aunt who would go to bed just as I was peaking. The set was not as comforting as the setting, I had a bad visit with my father and grandmother earlier in the day. Lately I have been taking a liking to DXM not huge doses but 3 to 4 times the bottles recommended dosage, this produces a mild dissociation and mild euphoria. I recently had a repertory infection and was prescribed codeine cough syrup. I remember reading somewhere about the potentiation of opiates with the aid of DXM, which I found this be completely true.

The trip:

After coming home from picking up my 2 year old cousin from my grandmothers clutches I was kind of pissed about some of the shit they would talk about. For some reason I am seen in their eyes as not responsible, even though I have a steady job a car a roof over my head and food in my stomach. This is more than could be said for them who are sucking on the teet of the state. Feeling like I was in the mood get fucked I drink about 120mg of DXM and 30mg of codeine syrup at about 6 o’clock. My aunt would get home from work at 645 or 7 so I figure she would be home to watch her son by the time I get really high. I was actually quite capable of caring for a 2 year old in that state it was kind of fun I felt like I was communicating at his level, you know playing with him and his toys and walking around outside. I also got some house work done , I cleaned the house, did the dishes and made dinner in that hour feeling absolutely relaxed and fantastic.

For the past few days I have pondered the idea of taking some mescaline, which kind of made me nervous because lately I have been battling with loneliness and depression. But feeling so good at 730 I decide a medium dose is in order. 250mg mescaline acetate (thank you 69ron) down the hatch.

I start to feel the phenethylamine jitters at about 750, from 750 till about 830 there were intermittent waves of nausea, but it passed. At about 845 I come to the conclusion its time for more cough syrup, another 60mg DXM and 30mg codeine hit the spot. Around 9 my aunt goes to bed and I put on a phish dvd, pull the blankets over my head and float into bliss. I began to see eagles flying in the threads of the blanket and I am soaring. Timelessness and moments at eternity accompany me over the next several hours I lay on the couch, thinking about everything, family, friends, work, past experiences, and how all of this makes me who I am.
Around midnight I make it to my room and listen to more music, entranced by the itunes visualizer. This is where the thought of smoking some DMT came into my head. The thought at first made me a bit nervous, not knowing where it could take me. But within 5 min that not knowing go the best of me and I had to find out. I have a pipe that is very resinated with DMT so I just smoked that, dosage unknown. After 2 small puff I take a much harder hit and this is when IT begans.

I sit back in my chair and close my eyes then this squared and boxed malevolent face appears before me. I felt I had 2 options I could shirk in fear and open my eyes or I could stare him down. So I stare him down for what feels like eternity, just as all my will is in battle with this face, I win. He folds together turning into the most beautiful fractal formation I have ever seen as euphoria bliss and love radiate throughout my body, and everything is one. The malevolent face the fractals the love it is all me. Its all my choice, of how I want to view the world. Sorry if this hard to understand its very hard to convey such a profound message through words. I realize the greatest thing a human being could do is love. So many ills could be solved in this world by just love and compassion.

After that excursion I decide to take a couple hits of weed to try and help me get some food in me as I have not had anything all day long. I get up and start to make microwave some pasta I had in the fridge. All of the sudden I get the worst head rush I have ever had, I go and lay down as I feel as though I about to pass out. I feeling relaxes so I get up again to try and finish making my pasta, the head rush comes back again. This happens about 6 or 7 times until I gave up and layed down and went to bed. I wake up feeling fine.

Can anyone tell me what caused such terrible head rushes on the verge of passing out?

Hope you all enjoyed the report.


Well-Known Member
K lemme see, you took DXM, codeine, mescaline, DMT and cannabis and got headrushes? and you want to know why???
I thought its pretty obvious from my perspective...


Active Member
Yeah sounds like you burned yourself out on that cocktail there...headrushes were your brain saying "no more!"


Well-Known Member
WTF is wrong with you? Did that mixture make you lose your sense of logic?

"Why did I get a head rush maaaannn!!! I just don't understaaaaannnddd!!!"
Jesus, kids these days.


EDIT: I remember after my short, 10 over a month, experience with 2c-i I got head rushes for a week and it precipitated HPPD which manifests itself in intensely grainy vision and visual warping when staring at objects.


Well-Known Member
I had a feeling it was from combining so many drugs. But you guys dont have to be such dicks, damn.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I had a feeling it was from combining so many drugs. But you guys dont have to be such dicks, damn.
dude.. sometimes it can not be avoided. When you ask a question like that after talking about all those substances you mixed (and the DXM and Codeine can do that by themselves) you're going to get that kind of response.


Active Member
Mixing drugs is like cooking...blend the right ingredients together and you end up with something greater than the sum of its parts, blend EVERYTHING together and you end up with a mess