trimmings and cooking


New Member
last time i just used the crystalized leaves and through away the big fan leafs, wondring if I should use all the leafs for trim???


Well-Known Member
I only use bud and sugar leaves. I've found the one time I used fan leaves that my potency wasn't nearly as consistent, and the taste was off.



Well-Known Member
If you want it as strong as possible you should do an iso wash to remove the plant matter and chlorophyll that that turn your butter green or whatever your cooking. Fan leaves still have trichs just like should use the whole plant


Well-Known Member
I used only the popcorn buds, the rest got tossed. This time I will be using it all and do a dry ice extraction. Potency is more important for me than quantity though.


Well-Known Member
Yea all 3 of those choices are no good in my opinion.. but butane or another non polar solvent (hexane far superior to butane) will give you the best yield while extracting as little chlorophyll as possible...

Anyway... I suggest an iso wash, safest, doesn't pool, no need to "purge" evaps completely clean. Cheapest


Well-Known Member
The only problem with alcohols. chlorophyll, and other plant sugars are solvent in them.
If you want a more potent oil you need to leave the chlorophyll, and sugars in the plant.


Well-Known Member
Yes but it still is better than boiling bud in butter. I did say a non polar solvent would provide best yield while leaving most contaminants behind. But unless you have a vacuum or feel like winterizing its not going to be pure even though it probly won't hurt you. You don't necessarily have to evap iso outdoors its much safer to work with and much easier, I produce a pristine shatter with a 15% yield. A long soak no more than a minute will get everything and be better than just the plant..

But if he's able to properly purge or already knows how to do a butane extraction I would definately suggest that. You could even winterize in iso and end up yielding wonderfully and it be good shatter


Well-Known Member
Try and heat your leaf material in the oven 120-F 10min. It's supposed to convert the THC and other cannabinoids over to there non acid form. There supposed to be easier to extract with your solvent.