

Is it OK to trim most all the large fan leaves off of your plants?
I find myself having to trim most all of the large fan leaves off so that the lights can get to the new growth?
is this of or does it actually help?


Well-Known Member
You are hurting the plants. Fold,bend,paper clip the leaves out of the way if need be.

Cutting off fan leaves is a big mistake.


Well-Known Member
My last grow i didnt trim at all and the lower braches stayd small. This grow i trimd em off and the lower branchs have taken off and are as tall as the main stock. so i plan on doing it from now on. Now alot of people will tell you to leave them,That it will only stress your plant. but idk do what you want.


Active Member
I like to call them shade leaves. During flowering they don't provide any energy to the buds. I take nearly all my shade leaves off during the 3rd week of flowering. It increased my total yield by 10-15%.